Algebra 2 Daily Agendas:  December 20 - December 21
Algebra 2
Monday - 12/20/10
  1. Bell Task
    a.   HW Check to p. 64 & p. 70 assignments
    b.  Question & Answer Review Session
  2. Business
    a.  NA 
  3. Workshop
    a.  Quiz #6 Relations, Functions, and Transformations 
  4. Exit Task
    a.  NA
  5. DW
    a.  IP Make-up Work for Test #3, if necessary 
Algebra 2
Tuesday - 12/21/10
  1. Bell Task
    a.   The Dot Game
  2. Business
    a.  NA
  3. Workshop
    a.  Play the Dot Game
    b.  Make-up Quizzes
  4. Exit Task
    a.  NA 
  5. DW
    a. IP Make-up Work for Test #3, if necessary
No School - Winter Break
No School - Winter Break
No School - Winter Break