Algebra 2 Daily Agendas:  September 7 - September 10
Algebra 2
Monday - 9/6/10
No School - Labor Day
Algebra 2
Tuesday - 9/7/10
  1. Bell Task
    a.   Check answers to p. 94 assignment, even answers
    b.   Rating of your effort and understanding of Solving Equations and Inequalities
  2. Business
    a.  Organize Data Notebook; Put in most recent  daily agendas and new learning objectives: BMP: A.1.d.:  Solve single-step and multistep equations and inequalities in one variable

    b.  Discuss change from Daily Agendas to Bell Tasks/Exit Tasks separately
    c.  5th period - Discuss class coverage tomorrow with another math teacher
  3. Workshop
    a.  Teacher-student grade conferences with data notebook
    b.  Students work independently or in small groups to complete one of the following tasks:
         i.  Reteach §1.1, §1.2, and §1.4, if IP on quiz
        ii.  More practice on §2.1 Solving Equations, p. 94: 21 - 41 odd
       iii.  Solving Proportions: §2.2 p. 101:  14 - 34, 36 - 41, 46
       iv.  Problem Solving Practice with Solving Equations and Proportions
    Honors: Bubble 40 multiple choice problems from summer assignment
  4. Exit Task
    a.  NA
  5. DW
    a.  Know-It Notes (optional) for §2.2 and  p. 101: 14 - 34, 36 - 41, 46 
Algebra 2
Wednesday - 9/8/10  Mrs. Maite out for Community Engagement 
                                    (5th period only)
  1. Bell Task
    a.   Warm-up Problems (on worksheet),
    SELF-CHECKED with the key displayed on the overhead when students have had time to complete the two problems
  2. Business
    a.  Directions for productive workshop:
         If 2 out of 2 answers are correct on the bell task, students should work
             on iii, iv, or v of the activities below in 3.b.
         If 1 out of 2 answers are correct on the bell task, students should 
             complete the assignment  p. 94: 21 -
    39, every 3rd problem,
    and then work on iii, iv, or v of the activities below in 3.b.
         If 0 out of 2 answers are correct on the bell task, students should 
             complete the assignment given below in ii of 3.b, and then work
             on any other of the activities.
  3. Workshop  learning objectives: BMP: A.1.d.:  Solve single-step and multistep equations and inequalities in one variable
    a.  Teacher-student grade conferences with data notebook (1st, 7th, 8th)
    b.  Students work independently or in small groups to complete one of the following tasks:
         i.  Reteach §1.1, §1.2, and §1.4, if IP on quiz
             (May use tutorials on computer)

        ii.  More practice on §2.1 Solving Equations, p. 94: 21 - 39 odd
       iii.  Solving Proportions: §2.2 p. 101:  14 - 34, 36 - 41, 46
       iv.  Problem Solving Practice with Solving Equations and Proportions
        v.  Challenge Problem: Proportional Population

    c.  Check answers with your developmental work selections if done by the end of the period  (Keys to the worksheets available for checking work--NOT to be taken by students!  Book work, check ODD answers in back of book.)
  4. Exit Task - Last 4-5 minutes of the period
    a.  Skills Check on Solving Equations and Inequalities (including proportions) collected at the end of the period.  Turn in to vertical tray by the door.
  5. DW - should have these completed by tomorrow
    a.  §2.2 p. 101: 14 - 34, 36 - 41, 46
    Problem Solving Practice with Solving Equations and Proportions
Algebra 2
Thursday - 9/9/10
  1. Bell Task
    a.  Check even answers to p. 101 assignment
    b.  Check answers to worksheet(s) attempted
    c.  Address any questions about any of the problems
  2. Business
    a.  Review of Quiz #1 - detailed data;  ADD to your Data Notebook--Last Section Divider
    b.  Distribute 4-Point Rubric and Rubric Score to Points Conversion Chart
    c.  Review quiz data and 7a: cause for a 2-point curve
  3. Workshop learning objectives: BMP: A.1.d.:  Solve single-step and multistep equations and inequalities in one variable
    a.  Translate phrases into mathematical expressions
  4. Exit Task
    a.  NA
  5. DW
    a.  HONORS only:  Try Worksheet #2 - 4
Algebra 2
Friday - 9/10/10
  1. Bell Task
    a.   Practice Quiz Questions on Sets of Numbers and Their Properties,  Solving Equations and Proportions
  2. Business
    a.  Reminder: Quiz #2 scheduled for next Tuesday.
  3. Workshop learning objectives: BMP: A.1.d.:  Solve single-step and multistep equations and inequalities in one variable
    a.  Translate word problems into mathematical equations and solve them
    b.  Honors only: Solve combined inequalities in one variable
  4. Exit Task
    a.  NA
  5. DW
    a.  Worksheet:  Exercises 1 - 3  (Not yet in period 5)