Blue Team Homework Matrix
(Click HERE for previous weeks' homework.)
March 7-11: Late Starts - OGT Testing Schedule
Friday, March 18: Blue Team Celebration & End of Third Quarter
March 21-25: Spring Break
Friday, April 1: Third Quarter Grade Cards

9 p.






English Class Announcements: Unless otherwise noted - all HW is due the next day.
English 9
Click HERE for ALL class information & lesson plans.

Due: Night Ch. 2 reading, vocab log, study guide q's.
HW: 1) Night Ch. 3 w/ vocab and study guide by R; 2) Courage speech outline / drafting finished by next M.

Due: Night & Fog Viewers guide.
HW: 1) Complete Night & Fog Viewer's Guide if needed; 2) Night Ch. 3 w/ vocab and study guide by R; 3) Courage speech outline / drafting finished by M.

Due: Night & Fog Viewers guide.
HW: 1) PW & RD Holocaust Memorial Tile; 2) Night Ch. 3 w/ vocab and study guide by R; 3) Courage speech outline / drafting finished by M.

Due: 1) Night Ch. 2 reading, vocab log, study guide q's; 2) RD of HMTile.
HW: 1) Finish FC of Holocaust Memorial Tile; 2) Night Ch. 4 w/ vocab and study guide by T; 3) Courage speech outline / drafting finished by M.
Due: FC of HMTile.
HW: 1) Night Ch. 4 w/ vocab and study guide by T; 3) Courage speech outline / drafting finished by M.
English 9

Click HERE for ALL class information & lesson plans.
Same as English 9 above. Same as English 9 above. Same as English 9 above. Same as English 9 above. Same as English 9 above.
Math Class Announcements: 1) Unless otherwise noted - all HW is due the next day.
2) Online Textbook available for both Algebra 1 and Geometry CLICK HERE.

Algebra I
Click HERE for ALL class information & lesson plans.

Quiz Corr due today Lab follow up HW: P 524 #9,17,22 P535 #9,15,20

No math today… English and World Studies IDU

8.5 & 8.6 Exp Growth & Exp Decay HW Page 525 #38-41 all Pg 537 #47-50 all

8.5 & 8.6 cont. HW Wksht Growth & Exp Decay Chapter 8 Review CHAP 8 Test ALGEBRA TEST Tuesday! HW Wksht Ch 8 Rev & Pg 547 #1-20

Click HERE for ALL class information & lesson plans.

Quiz Corr due 8.3 Proving Quads are parallelograms HW Pg 526 #11,12,13 on back of wksht

No math today… English and World Studies IDU

8.4 & 8.5 Property of Quads Activity in class… SEE Summary sheet HW: TH Quiz

Hand in TH Quiz HW: Wksht 8.4 #1 Continue with 8.4 HW Wksht 8.4 #2

Spanish Class Announcements: Nothing new at this time.

Spanish 1
Click HERE for ALL class information & lesson plans.

HW: pg R25 #4-5 (check answers online), Quiz 5-2 Wednesday

No Spanish class (World War II movies)
HW: Study for 5-2 Quiz

Quiz 5-2
HW: 5-3 vocab

HW: WB pg 32 all

HW: WB pg 33-34 all

Spanish 2
Click HERE for ALL class information & lesson plans.

HW: 5-3 vocab

No Spanish class (World War II movies)

HW: preterite packet pg 22-23 act. E+F

HW: tba HW: pg 130 #33 and pg R53#6-7 (textbook)
World Studies Class Announcements: Nothing new at this time.

World Studies
Click HERE for ALL class information & lesson plans.

Holocaust IDU
HW: 1) Chapter 21 test next Monday; Study guides

Holocaust IDU
HW: 1) Chapter 21 test next Monday; Study guides

Holocaust IDU
HW: 1) Chapter 21 test next Monday; Study guides

Holocaust IDU
HW: 1) Chapter 21 test next Monday; Study guides

Holocaust IDU
HW: 1) Chapter 21 test next Monday; Study guides