Holiday Culture IDU – Blue Team 2006-2007

 Essential Question: How do various cultures celebrate Christmas or comparable holiday?

You just finished what is certainly one of the most wonderful times of the year: Winter Break!  As a part of that break, many of us observed some sort of December holiday, whether it was Christmas, Hanukah, or some other great celebration.  So, to begin our studies for the winter, we are going to learn about a variety of these traditions from all over the world.  To do this, your team will research and present how various cultures celebrate Christmas or a comparable holiday.


Click here for a printable version of this assignment! Click here to view pictures of past years' culture fairs!

Materials needed:

  • One Trifold presentation board

  • Decorating materials such as markers, glue, construction paper, etc.

  • Note cards

  •  Photos and artifacts from home

  • Food for presentation day

Research Process:

  • Use the Research Cycle as always.

  • Don't forget your MLA information.

  • You may use these sources to complete this project:

  • Culturegrams

  • Google

  • Your Life: family interviews, artifacts

  • Books!

  • Others, if desired or needed – just ask to see if your source can be used.

Final Products:  

A Trifold Board, including:

  • Pictures, photos, symbols, and other graphics with captions

  • Poems, song lyrics, and other literature as appropriate

  • Map, flag, latitude & longitude, and distance from Columbus (Geometry/IGA students must show work using the Haversine formula)

  • MLA Bibliography  Page

Three minute presentation, including:

  • Everyone on team must have a useful speaking part in the presentation

  • Note cards for each person’s part of the presentation

  • Food (for 30 to snack on)

  • Traditions such as Symbols, Music, Dress/Costume, Artifacts, Religion

Project Materials & Handouts

Full Printable Assignment Sheet with Daily Schedule & Completion Checklist

Background Research Organizer

Traditions Research Organizer

Three-Panel Story Board

Speech Organizer

Final Walkabout Rotation Form

Full Final Project Rubric

Support Materials & Handouts

Team & Country/Culture Assignments 

Algebra I Distance Formula

Geometry Haversine Formula

World Studies: Latitude & Longitude

Country/Culture Choice Handout

Country/Culture Selection Sheet

Class Rotation Schedule for the Week

Student Team Evaluation Form