To increase familiarity and
mastery of academic content standards in math, language arts, science, social
studies, and foreign language by June 8, 2004.
Action Plan |
Indicators of Success |
All students will be provided with state standards, which they will
use to monitor their learning and standards mastery.
2. Use a Total Quality Management (TQM) model to focus students and
instruction on attainment of clear goals, specifically the state
3. Use an interdisciplinary instructional model to make state
standards more relevant and strengthen overall understanding of
content and development of critical thinking skills.
4. Use Academy office hours/study tables to further address student
5. Use provided collaborative time to address individual student needs
and strength/adapt instruction to improve student performance. This
includes collaboration within teams, between the teams, and between
the subject area teachers. |
(pending assessment selection) Students demonstrate improvement
from pre to post test in the freshman year. Could also include
baseline data from eighth grade.
2. Students routinely monitor their progress as a part of their
learning. Evidence includes current and complete state standards
checklists, data analyses such as run charts, student tracking of
their grades, etc.
3. Students use their mission statements and goals as an integral
driving force in their studies and mastery of state standards.
Evidence includes response journals, revisions and adaptations of
goals and action plans, participation in plus/deltas for improvement
of instruction and learning, etc.
4. Students will make connections between and among disciplines, using
each to enhance their overall development of critical thinking skills.
Evidence includes satisfactory completion of interdisciplinary work,
cross-use of interdisciplinary skills in classroom settings, increased
awareness of connections between disciplines in their journal and
class discussion responses.
5. Students use the office hours/study tables. Evidence includes
attendance data. |
Goal: To increase ninth grade
students’ sense of belonging and citizenship at Hilliard Davidson.
Plan |
of Success |
Work in interdisciplinary teams, allowing teachers to share the same
students and work collaboratively to address individual student needs
and create an environment of common goals and caring.
2. Work as interdisciplinary teams, allowing students and teachers to
create a sense of community and responsibility to each other for our
3. Use unique and energizing techniques to create pride and a positive
and collaborative environment such as End-of-Nine-Weeks Awards.
4. Use a TQM model to allow students to participate in the processes
of their learning environment.
5. Make Freshman Focus an integral part of our instruction, including
having Freshman Focus students who are in our team classes. |
Journal, discussion, plus/delta sessions, and survey responses
indicate increased student sense of belonging and citizenship.
Baseline data taken from prior years' student survey.
2. Students show increased involvement in their studies. Evidence
includes teacher observations of and student participation in and
response to cooperative learning and team based activities. This year
will establish baseline data, though teacher observations of prior
years can serve as qualitative baseline data as well.
3. Students show increased involvement in school activities. Baseline
data taken from prior years' statistics for student involvement.
4. Students show decreased discipline problems. Baseline data taken
from prior years' referral data or in comparison to current year's
non-academy referral data. |
To build an environment
where students take ownership and responsibility for their learning.
Plan |
of Success |
1.Use a TQM model to allow students to participate in the processes
and focus of their instruction, including creating mission statements,
goals, and action plans as well as participating in consensus
building, plus/delta sessions, surveys, and other collaborative
2. Provide all students with the means and instruction to monitor
their grades and learning, including state standards checklists, data
analyses techniques such as run charts, and grades tracking methods
such as a grades spreadsheet.
3. Provide consistent supplemental services such as study tables,
integrated tutoring, websites, etc., which students may use as needed. |
Students use meaningful mission statements, goals, and action plans to
meet state standards, classroom goals, and personal goals. Evidence
includes completed mission statements and goals, mastery of state
standards, increased/high achievement as reflected in grades both in
comparison to prior years' data and non-academy students.
2. Students actively participate in consensus building, plus/delta
sessions, surveys, and other collaborative techniques in order to
create meaningful lessons and effective instructional strategies.
Evidence includes observations of participation, student evaluations
of classroom progress, mastery of goals and standards, and
increased/high achievement as reflected in grades both in comparison
to prior years' data and non-academy students.
3. Student awareness of learning expectations is increased.
Evidence includes fewer late assignments than prior years and
diminishing rates of late work over the course of the year, current
and completed state standards checklists, current and completed
mission statements, goals, and action plans, current and completed
grades tracking method, student response via journal, discussion,
plus/delta sessions, surveys.
4. Students actively pursue and use supplemental services. Evidence
includes attendance and use data as well as improvement in individual
students performance as a result of supplemental service use. |
To increase parental
involvement through consistent communication.
Plan |
of Success |
Use teaming model and provided conference time to collaborate on
addressing individual student needs.
2. Use provided conference time for consistent contact with parents
throughout that collaborative process.
3. Conduct unique versions of parent contact days of Open House and
Parent-Teacher Conferences. Open House will be a common presentation
while Conferences will be conducted as teams.
4. Use of Academy and teacher websites to enhance parent ability to
monitor student progress and participate in classroom instruction.
Parent contact is increased. Baseline data for conferences taken from
prior year.* Other types of contacts may come from prior years, if
such data exists. This may need to be qualitative based on teacher
observation for the first year.
2. Parent satisfaction with conferences is increased or maintains a
high level. Data taken from prior year if it exists.
Parent survey responses will serve as evidence as well.
3. Parent awareness of instruction and student learning is
increased. Evidence includes parent feedback via personal
response and surveys and student response via journals, discussion,
and surveys.
4. Parent involvement in school is increased. Evidence includes parent
visits and even involvement in instruction and assessment.
*If the Action Plan is effective, we may find actual
conference week numbers may go down as parents will be more involved
throughout the entire school year. |