Online Edition

This Page
Last Updated:
May 2, 2006

Blue's People
Table of Contents

Math Teacher:
Mr. Reese

English Teacher:
Mr. Maite

World Studies Student Teacher:
Ms. Lyon

Spanish Teacher: Ms. Deprez

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A Newsletter from the Hilliard Davidson Academy Blue Team
Produced by the Blue Team Honors English Nine class

DAN, DAN THE MATHEMATICS MAN! by C. Null (Oct. 2005) 

     Mr. Reese is the math teacher here on the Blue Team at Hilliard Davidson. He teaches Algebra I, IGA and Geometry. He taught prior to Davidson, at Reynoldsburg High School teaching similar and more difficult classes for eight years. He also spent two years at Linmoor Middle School teaching Math 8 and Algebra I. Although he has always taught math classes, his favorite subject in know school has always been History.

      He was born in Cleveland, Ohio and is an enthusiastic Browns and Indians fan. When he was two years old he moved to Huron, Ohio where he was raised. He attended Huron High School located on Lake Erie just east of Sandusky. He wrestled for four years, played football for two years and ran cross-country for two years in High School. 
     He has two children, Erika (14) who is a 

freshman  here at Hilliard Davidson, and Brian (11), a fifth grader at Scioto Darby Elementary.  He enjoys doing any outside activity with his wife and children. He especially enjoys skiing, boating, biking, walking, and softball. One thing he would like parents and students to about him, that they may not know already, is that he loves his job and enjoys being in class everyday with learners on the blue team.

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Maite's Space by C. Null (Dec. 2005) 

On the Blue Academy here at Hilliard Davidson High School, many children show a strong interest or curiosity towards English. Some students have a natural knack for the subject, but for most, the motivation to learn comes from a teacher by the name of Anthony Maite, or Mr. Maite as the students know him. Mr. Maite is the English 9 and the Honors English 9 teacher on the Blue Team, and he has a natural ability to bring the classroom to life. His own education consists of a bachelor’s degree from The Ohio State University. 

He has taught in other cities before Hilliard, including Bexley and Upper Arlington. 
           When not molding the minds of 9th graders at Davidson, Mr. Maite enjoys computers, music, and science fiction. He is an avid reader, and loves books dealing with space. Mr. Maite was born in Akron, Ohio and grew up in Groveport. He currently lives with his wife Jennifer, and his son, Kyle, age 20, is currently touring the east coast with his band, The Rydells. Mr. Maite also owns four cats: Mystery, Nugget, Pirate, and Smoky.

           Mr. Maite is still working to accomplish many things in his lifetime. He plans to receive his Masters Degree and specialize in effective integrated technology in education. Traveling is also on his “to-do” list.             
            When in the Mr. Maite’s classroom, students can feel like their education means something to someone. Mr. Maite will make the extra effort to make sure that children on the Blue Team understand, master, and put to use the information taught in his learning environment.

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Live, Laugh, Lyon by C. Null (Feb. 2006) 

Recently, the Blue Team at Hilliard Davidson High School has received a new student teacher out of Ohio State’s Masters in Education program. 
           Mrs. Lyon, originally from Plain City, has been in Ms. Prahst’s room teaching students about the world around us. In high school, she participated in many activities such as sports, choir, and musicals. She also twirled a fire baton for the school marching band! Her favorite subjects growing up were Spanish and English because she is fascinated by language. She did not develop a love for Social Studies until

As a member of the Hilliard community for five years, she is a very busy woman. In her free time she enjoys spending time with her husband, who is also her hero. “He is my number one supporter, and he has cheered me on through many years of school. He is so unselfish and giving, and he will never let me give up on my dreams.” In her free time, she enjoys riding horses with her husband, reading, watching movies, or drinking coffee and catching up with friends. 
  Her overall plan

for her World Studies students while she is here? “I want to encourage the kids to get to know the world around them.” She is a wonderful addition to our academy and has one thing to let parents know. “I want you to know how much I enjoy your kids in class everyday. I am constantly impressed by the talent, thoughtfulness, creativity, and uniqueness of all of them. I hope each parent understands the great things I’ve seen in their son or daughter.” Well that pretty much clears it up. Mrs. Lyon: one high-quality, enjoyable, intelligent teacher. 

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Ms. Deprez: Culture, Brought to Life by C. Null (Apr. 2006)

         Mrs. Deprez is the Spanish teacher here on the blue team at Hilliard Davidson.  Mrs. Deprez is originally form North Olmstead, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland.  She has been a resident of Columbus for four years.  She attended Magnificat High, a catholic school for girls, as a young adult. She says, “I was involved in a lot of things (at my high school), which I really enjoyed.  It was also the point in my life when I started to figure out who I was, so that was a good time for me as well.” 

         So how is Spanish going for her classes this year? “Great!  I’m really proud of the progress everyone has made.  I think the students would be very impressed if they looked at their Spanish abilities at the beginning of the year compared to today,” she responded.  Mrs. Deprez really brings a sense of excitement to the learning environment.  The students enjoy the laid back experience.  With speaking, listening, and reading activities, the classroom is sure to be learning a good deal from

her experience.        
         One thing Mrs. Deprez wants to share with parents that they might not know already; “I am very passionate about what I do, and I love sharing my love of the Spanish culture and language with others.  It is my hope that my students will use this knowledge to help them with their own professions later in life, as our society becomes more bilingual.”  And there you have it, another teacher doing nothing but good for the students on the Blue Team.   


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