Writing About Literature Assessment Rubric
Exemplary Accomplished Developing Limited
Critical Thinking Essay shows evidence of strong skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Logic is virtually flawless. Essay shows evidence of application of skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Logic is nearly flawless. Essay shows inconsistent application of skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Logic may be flawed. Essay shows inconsistent application of skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation. Logic may be flawed.
Application of Critical Technique & Perspective Essay reflects mastery of the literary perspective applied. The writer is fluent in the language and theory behind the perspective. Analysis and conclusions drawn are virtually incontrovertible. Essay reflects a solid understanding of the literary perspective applied. The writer is using much of the language and theory behind the perspective. Analysis and conclusions drawn are strong with minor "errors." Essay reflects a some understanding of the literary perspective applied. The writer struggles to use the language and theory behind the perspective. Analysis and conclusions drawn are somewhat questionable with a few obvious "errors." Essay reflects little understanding of the literary perspective applied. The writer barely uses the language and theory behind the perspective. Analysis and conclusions drawn are questionable with obvious "errors."

Essay Focus

Essay remains focused on a clear thesis with every support powerfully connected to the thesis.

Essay remains focused on a clear thesis with every support clearly connected to the thesis.

Essay remains focused on a thesis with most supports adequately connected to the thesis.

Essay may lose focus on or lack a clear thesis; some supports are not connected to the thesis.

Quality of Support Powerfully chosen textual proof supports each point. The textual proof is thoroughly examined, explained, and clearly relevant to the thesis. Well chosen textual proof supports each point. The textual proof is adequately examined, explained, and relevant to the thesis. Acceptably chosen textual proof supports most points. The textual proof may be inconsistently examined, explained, and relevant to the thesis. Questionably chosen textual proof supports a few points. The textual proof is likely insufficiently examined, explained, or relevant to the thesis.

Essay Organization & Transitions

Essay is strikingly organized with a keen sensitivity to building an argument. Transitions are sophisticated and varied.

Essay is well organized with a logical approach to building an argument. Transitions are solid and varied.

Essay is competently organized with a logical if uninspired approach to building an argument. Transitions are ordinary but sufficient.

Essay is inconsistently organized with a haphazard approach to building an argument. Transitions are choppy or lacking.

Internal Paragraph Coherence Paragraphs flow well internally with each sentence building and flowing into the next. Paragraphs flow well internally with each sentence building into the next. Paragraphs are choppy internally with sometimes confusing jumps between ideas. Paragraphs are choppy internally with confusing jumps and between ideas.
Mechanics and Style Essay is flawlessly written with a flair for academic style. Excellent word choice and sentence variety. Essay is well written with a solid academic style. Some strong word choice and sentence variety. Essay is acceptably written with a some academic style. Word choice and sentence variety are ordinary. Essay is poorly written with a little academic style. Word choice and sentence variety are below expectations.