Short Essay/Answer Writing Rubric

Short Answer Tests, Short Essay Responses, & 3-5 Paragraph Timed Writings









Rhetorical completeness: introduction, body, conclusion – paragraphs in longer essays; sentences in shorter paragraph long answers





Clear thesis/main idea, properly placed – end of first paragraph in longer essays; first sentence in shorter paragraph long answers





Focus on the topic – little or no irrelevant material; the essay does the verbs asked of it (Discuss? Analyze? Define? Evaluate? etc…)





Is well organized with appropriate transitions






Answers prompt fully, addressing each part of

the question/topic





Uses appropriate support material, whether they be textual quotes, examples, etc.





Proper Academic Voice; avoids 1st & 2nd person as appropriate





MUGS (correctness)







Neatness, penmanship, margins, tabs, etc.  MLA if that is expected.