Special Notes:  1. For Enrichment, you need 100 lines of poetry; for CW Piece, you need 175 lines of poetry; for the Poetry Portfolio, you need to check with the teacher.  2. If you would like to print just the rubric or just the peer reading guide, select print page one or two respectively.


The poetry:


has a strong emotional appeal.


____ powerful            _____ effective         _____ ordinary


is fully developed, descriptive &/or has superior details.


___ vivid                     _____ interesting      _____ inconsistent


makes sense with a clear meaning &/or purpose (if appropriate).


___ masterful             _____ impressive     _____ ordinary


has proper format/structure (if appropriate) and uses rhythm effectively.


___ masterful             _____ controlled       _____ inconsistent


is well written with few or no unintentional errors.


___ clean                   _____ competent      _____ notable errors


reflects extensive use of the writing process.


___ extensive            _____ adequate       _____ superficial


has many of the following characteristics:


_____ strong diction

_____ rhetorical completeness

_____ creatively unique

_____ consistent style and tone

_____ strong voice

_____ effective organization

_____ strong, vivid, & effective imagery

_____ well-used figurative language; i.e., metaphor, simile, etc.

_____ reflects higher level thought &/or high level of insight

_____ uses sound devices such as alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme

_____ appeals to audience in some way


Overall Score:____________


Poetry Peer Reading Guide




Peer Reader:_________________________


1. Describe the emotional power of the poetry: does it affect you?  How so?  What effect did you think the author was going for?  How did he/she achieve it?





2. Is the poetry fully developed and descriptive, including extensive detail & imagery?  If so, discuss two examples here; if not, make suggestions here and on the poetry itself.





3. Does the author seem to have some sort of purpose or theme?  If so, describe it or them here.  If not, tell the author why you think his/her poetry seems unfocused or even pointless.





4. Is the poetry properly constructed, depending on the type of poetry attempted?  If so, tell the author about two great things he/she has done with the type of poetry he/she wrote.  If not, point out the author’s errors here.





5. Is the poetry cleanly written, with few or no unintentional errors?  If so, compliment the author here; if not, try to help the author directly on the poetry itself.



6.  Use the checklist below to let the author know which techniques you noticed in his/her poetry.  If he/she doesn’t use a technique, simply do not check it off.


_____ strong diction

_____ rhetorical completeness

_____ creatively unique

_____ consistent style and tone

_____ strong voice

_____ effective organization

_____ strong, vivid, & effective imagery

_____ well-used figurative language; i.e., metaphor, simile, etc.

_____ reflects higher level thought &/or high level of insight

_____ uses sound devices such as alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia, rhyme

_____ appeals to audience in some way