Persuasive Techniques in Advertising OBJECTIVES Through this project the student will develop mastery of: persuasive thinking including understanding underlying meanings, differentiating between truth and opinion, recognizing the use of fallacies and loaded language persuasive writing including knowing and using persuasive techniques, familiarizing self with audience, and knowing how to appeal to them. PROJECT In groups of three, your task is to invent a new product and develop a marketing strategy to sell it using two different types of advertising. Below you will find a list of possible ad types and the criteria by which you will be graded (subject to change if necessary). The entire final project is worth 100 points as described below with an additional 50 to 100 points available for all draft work. AD TYPES TV INFOMERCIAL PRINT RADIO BILLBOARD effort, use of time, cooperation with group - 25 pts. product ingenuity, design, and quality - 25 pts. AD #1-- 5 pts each: use of persuasive techniques depth of thought use of jingle or slogan use of imagery, color, etc...(if visual) use of audio imagery, tone, pace (if radio) general impression (subjective) AD #2-- 5 pts each: use of persuasive techniques depth of though use of jingle or slogan use of imagery, color, etc...(if visual) use of audio imagery, tone, pace (if radio) general impression (subjective) TOTAL FINAL ASSESSMENT:____of 100 pts ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: