I think you’ll agree that this is a very well-developed and “edgy” definition essay on a unique and interesting topic.  What stands out in my mind about this essay is the personal approach in paragraph 3 and the use of historical and familiar examples in paragraph 4. I also like the fact that the writer has an attitude, a position.  Enjoy.



            A non-conformist can easily be defined as an individual or group carrying out the “abnormal.” Non-conformists often stand out in the crowd and make themselves known.  Although people may have their own definitions, the basic concept deals with change.  An individual or group who practices non-conformity by changing their lifestyles for the better, not only satisfy themselves, but prove to others qualities in everyday life that the “normal” people aren’t able to take part in.

            Non-conformity, being a broad topic, can fit in the controversial areas of homosexuality, atheism, cults, etc.  Of course, there are non-conformist issues that are less radical.  This can include people’s style in dress, hairstyle, or basically living outside the “mainstream.”  In fact, all sorts of people favor change to some extent, but why?  Some people may have experienced a conflict, trauma, or an epiphany.  Others may have come to an important realization in their life and decide to choose a new way to live their life.  For example, a person may choose to start a new type of Christianity because he/she disagrees with one significant belief.  Or a person may want to change a law, which is favored by the majority, because of a dilemma he/she had faced.  One less radical example may be present in the way a person styles his/her hair.  The style is not “normal” and he/she wants individuality.  In all instances, the “abnormal” is present.

            From these acts of non-conformity, the initiators tend to choose change for their benefit.  I have lived an excellent example of non-conformity.  From about the eighth grade to freshman year, I had low self-esteem.  I wanted to fit in, and I tried joining the so-called “bandwagon,” meaning I wanted to be considered cool by making myself look like everyone else.  However, I realized that the “bandwagon” wasn’t worth my time and effort to be someone who I was not.  In fact, I flat out hated it.  All the guys looked the same, no one benefited from this, and I wasn’t being myself.  Given a wake-up call, I understood what I should be doing.  I should be myself, so I changed my views and gained the necessary self-esteem.  I wear clothes because I like them.  I understand that it’s not what others think, but what I think.  It was a radical change that I am thankful to have followed through.  From this experience, I changed others, I’m a leader, and I’m not uptight about everything.  Thus, being a non-conformist impacted me personally, and I have gained the overall advantage from the experience.

            Since the beginning of time, people and groups in society have been practicing non-conformist ways.  Take, for example, Martin Luther, a radical Christian. Luther disagreed with particular characteristics of the Catholic faith, and he challenged the ways of the Catholic Church.  He initiated uprisings and gained followers.  Luther had gotten his point across, started the Lutheran church, and shaped his life as well as thousands of others.  Another example, containing a group of non-conformists rather than an individual, is the topic of homosexuality.  Homosexuality has been around for centuries even though it is considered “abnormal.”  It was rarely spoken of until recently because of people's fears of threat and physical assault.  Over time, these groups have formed a coalition to spread its acceptance.  Currently our society is adapting to a world with publicized homosexuality.  Though it is yet a conflicting issue, these non-conformists gain respect by a fair amount of people.  Homosexuals are able to speak more freely without feeling nearly as threatened as before.

            Obviously, non-conformity is for the benefit of most people who favor change.  My advice to the conformists desiring change is to take the extra-step.  We truly need to be ourselves.  Non-conformity is for our benefit and self-satisfaction.  If we don’t live life from a non-conformist’s perspective, we will be missing out.  Without non-conformity, we would live in a world full of zombies.  I would not enjoy copying others’ lifestyles; I want to live my own lifestyle.  Life would undoubtedly be a bore.  There is no way society could have ever gotten far economically, socially, and technologically without non-conformist views.