Our Romeo and Juliet
Honors English Nine: 2000-2001
Click on the thumbnails to see the full picture. There's a lot here, so I apologize if the page took awhile to load. It's worth it though!
This first set is from Period 7/8's production of the Balcony Scene. No, those aren't Siamese-Twin-Juliets, heheh! That's just that group's solution to getting everybody involved in the act. The final few pics in this set are of the group's Wooing Role Play.
The second set is from Period 7/8's production of Act 2, Scenes 5 & 6. Gotta love that Gothic Wedding!
This set is from Period One's production of the final Act and death scene. It was awesome! Oh, the two pics in the second row are from the group's follow up discussion.