OPENING AND CLOSING A COMPOSITION OPENINGS/INTRODUCTIONS/LEADS OBJECTIVES: 1) to introduce the topic 2) to arouse the reader's interest OPEN with/by: 1. a dramatic incident 2. a significant contrast 3. telling a story 4. setting a scene 5. a question or series of questions 6. a brief historical background 7. unusual facts or figures 8. a fresh and pertinent quotation 9. a definition (preferably not from the dictionary) 10. an idea to be refuted 11. an effective description 12. a series of planned fragments 13. an anecdote CONCLUSIONS/CLOSINGS/EXITS OBJECTIVE: to leave the reader with a lasting impression CLOSE with: 1. a call to action 2. a prediction 3. a probing question 4. a strong or compelling contrast 5. a pertinent quotation 6. a final illustration 7. a deduction drawn from the facts REMEMBER: You can use all of these in many combinations.