Honors Vocabulary Studies 09-10


Romeo and Juliet Vocab List




Set 1


sanguine (adj) cheerfully confident; optimistic.


pecuniary (adj) of or relating to money


recapitulate (v-tr) to restate briefly; summarize

unctuous (adj) smug, ingratiating, and false earnestness or spirituality

kowtow (v-intr) false or exaggerated respect; “brown-nosing”

supercilious (adj) patronizingly stuck up, conceited

loquacious (adj) excessively talkative

escarpment (n): a steep bank under a defensible mound


hitherto (adv): to this point; up until now

indigenes (n): native animals or plants


Quia Quiz Activities 1


Set 2


countenance (n) facial expression


indefatigable (adj) not tiring


chimerical (adj) given to fantastic schemes

ameliorate (v-tr) to make better or more tolerable

palpable (adj) capable of being touched or felt; easily perceptible by the mind

diffident (adj) hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence; shy

abhorrence (n) one that is disgusting, loathsome, or repellent.

pedantry (n) act of paying too much attention to book learning


facile (adj) easily accomplished

immutable (adj) unchangeable


Quia Quiz Activities 2

Set 3


impotence (n) lack of ability


languid (adj) lacking vigor and vitality


ennui (n) feeling of emptiness or weariness


vexation (n) annoying, distressing thing


dilatory (adj) slow, procrastinating


ignominy (n) disgrace, dishonor


emaciated (adj) gaunt, scrawny, weak


consummate (v-tr) to seal, bring to sublime or perfect completion


malice (n) hatred with a desire to harm


sagacity (n) soundness of judgment, strong intellect


Quia Quiz Activities 3