Romeo and
Juliet Writing Prompts
1. What is your overall impression of Shakespeare's time period, his life, his work? Do you enjoy/anticipate or dread Shakespeare? Explain.
2. Describe exactly what gives you troubles in reading
Shakespeare. How do you cope with it?
3. What have you learned from the Modeled Reading? How
has it changed the way you approach the reading of literature with difficult
language like Romeo and Juliet or Frankenstein? If it
didn't change your approach, describe how you approach it and how you developed
that skill.
4. Look over the Mab Speech again
and respond.
5. Discuss the Queen Mab Speech:
What is it about? How is it
developed? What do you think is Mercutio’s point?
What do you think is Shakespeare’s point? What is Shakespeare’s tone and how do you
know? What is the significance or this
speech in terms of the entire play – if any?
6. Define love in as many ways as you want. Use
examples to support your definition. Or, write a poem. However you
want to do it is fine.
7. What is your favorite scene in the play? Why?
8. Think about both Romeo and Juliet in terms of what
qualities they represent. Conjecture:
what might Shakespeare be saying about these qualities? Conclude by discussing which of those
qualities you see in yourself. Are you
more a Romeo or a Juliet? If you want,
you can do this with any two characters from the play.
9. Tragic characters are a mix of both good and evil. For most people, the name Romeo brings
to mind thoughts of young love. Romeo,
however, is more than a lover. Discuss
how Romeo is a mixture of desirable and undesirable qualities.
10. At the beginning of the play, we find Romeo in love with
love. When he meets Juliet, however, he
is convinced that he loves her, not merely the abstract emotion. Juliet, also, believes she loves Romeo, the
person. How do we know that Juliet is
indeed in love with Romeo, and not merely experiencing her first infatuation?
11. Most of the characters in Romeo and Juliet fall
into one of two generations. How do the
behaviors, values, and decisions of one generation impact upon the other? Include at least four characters in your
12. Loyalty is often an admired value in a friend, relative, or mentor. On the other hand, the lack of loyalty can lead to conflict. Choose one or more characters in Romeo and Juliet and discuss how loyalty (or the lack thereof) is a driving force in their lives.
13. On the surface, the nurse and the friar seem very
different: she is bawdy, he is pious.
Upon closer examination, however, the characters are similar – they both
help Romeo and Juliet. Analyze the
motivations of both the nurse and the friar in their attempts to help the young
lovers and discuss the rightness or wrongness of their decisions.
14. Examine the relationship among Romeo, Benvolio, and Mercutio. What traits and philosophies of life does
each represent? Conclude by discussing
what Shakespeare might have been saying these different approaches to life.
15. From the beginning of the play, we are told that Romeo and Juliet are victims of fate, star-crossed lovers whose deaths are unavoidable. Do you agree? Use the situations of the play to prove or disprove this theory of doom. In the process, reveal your philosophy of life in terms of the idea of fate.
16. Assert your own definition/description of the type of
ideal romantic love Romeo and Juliet think they have. Then, use text from the play as positive or
negative examples to support your definition/description.
17. While most of us cannot imagine getting married in our
early teens like Romeo and Juliet, one of the most enjoyable aspects of this
play is its beautiful portrayal of romance, love, and marriage. With that as your inspiration, write an
expository, descriptive, or narrative essay in which you imagine the person you
will marry, how you will fall in love, what your wedding will be like, and how
your lives together will play out.
18. Perhaps, like Mercutio, you
are skeptical about all this dreaming and love and romance stuff. If that’s the case, express your cynical
attitude towards love and romance using examples from the play and your life as
your illustrative proof.
19. Shakespeare uses beautiful running imagery – motifs – to
paint an intricate picture of love and tragedy in this play. Trace his use of any motif you like
throughout the play. Don’t forget to include
some discussion of the impact that particularly motif has on how we interpret
or experience the play.
20. At the technical climax of Romeo and Juliet,
Romeo shouts to the heavens, I am fortune’s fool! Is he really?
Analyze the web of circumstances and decisions leading up to Romeo’s
exclamation and come to a conclusion as to whether he is really fortune’s fool
or just a fool.
21. What is your greatest weakness – the tragic or fatal
flaw – that always brings you down?
Where did it come from? How do
you cope with it? Use examples to
explore this concept fully.
22. Do you believe in love at first sight? Explain, including your description of what
makes two people instantly attracted to each other (even if you don’t call that
23. Shakespeare uses a masterful mix of the tragic and the
humorous in Romeo and Juliet, creating a powerful and ironic
juxtaposition of the silly and the serious.
Explore his use of that humor in the face of doom and come to a
conclusion as to why Shakespeare wrote his play that way.
24. Explore your relationships with adults. Consider issues such as communication, trust, power, conflict, and advice.
25. Fate is defeated; destiny, duped! Romeo and Juliet have somehow survived. Write a short narrative or descriptive essay exploring their lives five years hence.
26. After the demise of our young lovers, Montague and Capulet seem to have come to the end of the feud and the beginning of a lasting peace. Indeed, it would be structurally predictable that Shakespeare would end his play with a balanced resolution. However, you may not agree that it is all so tidy. Describe the future of Verona once the shock of the lovers’ deaths has worn off.
27. As the play comes to an end, the Prince states that, Some shall be pardoned and some punished, implying that there will be some blame placed in this sad episode. Assert your arguments for who shall be pardoned and who shall be punished.
28. If you’ve ever been in love or thought that you were in love, describe the experience. If you haven’t, describe how you imagine it will be.
29. In real love you want the other person's good. In
romantic love, you want the other person. – Margaret Anderson