and Juliet Response Journal
(100 points; Major Work)
You are to explore the psychology of the play through a journal you will keep as we study the play together. (It is assumed that you have read the play once already.) There are many different ways to configure your journal so read each option carefully to find the one that is right for you. I have included a scoring guide here, but more important than any assessment in this assignment is the notion that you have some fun and really explore yourself and the characters. Be critical, be insightful, be sarcastic, be philosophical, be real.
Special Instructions
Journal Option 1: Assume the role of either Romeo or Juliet and keep
your journal as if you were he/she.
Journal Option 2: Assume the role of any other significantly developed
character and keep your journal as if you were he/she. Possibilities include
Benvolio, Mercutio, Friar Lawrence, The Nurse (I will consider requests for
Journal Option 3: Act as psychoanalyst for Romeo or Juliet. Try keeping this journal as a psychologist's notes.
Journal Option 4: Do a reader response journal where you process your feelings as you read through the play. Consider focusing on certain character(s) or theme(s).
Understand that I have no intention of reading everything you write for this activity -- that's not the point of it. What I will do is collect it all and read three pages (approximately 30%). I'll base the grade on those three pages assuming the entire journal is of reasonable length. Please keep the criteria in the assessment rubric in mind as you write.
Romeo and Juliet Response Journal
Assessment Rubric
The journal is honest, insightful, witty,
intriguing, risky.
_____intriguing _____interesting _____ordinary
The journal is true to the text: uses the
words, the connotations, the images.
_____masterful _____understands _____inconsistent
The journal is inquisitive, with real
questions, clever alternatives, depth of motivation.
_____deep _____thoughtful _____superficial
The journal reflects higher level
thought: analyzes text, character, your feelings; synthesizes the play with
your real life; evaluates your feelings, Shakespeare's themes and language, the
characters' actions.
_____superior _____good _____mediocre
The journal is well
presented but authentic.
_____superior _____good _____acceptable
Overall Evaluation:_____