Romeo and Juliet Junior Psychologists Journal – Online Version

The Assignment: Act as psychoanalyst for Romeo and Juliet by recording five “psychologist’s notes” entries online.

You are to explore the psychology of the play through a journal you will keep online as we study the play together.  (It is assumed that you have read or seen the play once already.)  I have included a scoring guide here, but more important than any assessment in this assignment is the notion that you have some fun and really explore yourself and the characters.  Be critical, be insightful, be sarcastic, be philosophical, be real. 

Special Instructions


Each journal entry will be worth 10 points, for a total of 50 points Major Work for the assignment.  Journals are graded online.

Romeo and Juliet Response Journal Assessment Rubric

Name:__________________________________________  Per:_____

The journal is honest, insightful, witty, intriguing, risky.

_____intriguing              _____interesting            _____ordinary

The journal is true to the text: uses the words, the connotations, the images.

_____masterful              _____understands          _____inconsistent

The journal is inquisitive, with real questions, clever alternatives, depth of motivation.

_____deep                    _____thoughtful             _____superficial

The journal reflects higher level thought: analyzes text, character, your feelings; synthesizes the play with your real life; evaluates your feelings, Shakespeare's themes and language, the characters' actions.

_____superior                _____good                    _____mediocre


The journal is well presented but authentic.


_____superior                _____good                    _____acceptable



Overall Evaluation:_____