Romeo and Juliet Mastery Activity Planning Guide


Essential Question(s): What is Shakespeare telling us and how does he say it?


Step One: Generate Ideas


Read through scene together and discuss:


What is the scene about? (plot and character development):



What is Shakespeare telling us in this scene (themes):



What is unique or interesting in the way he tells us (language & literary technique):


____ metaphor     _____ simile      _____ personification     _____ imagery    


_____ irony       _____ strong diction     _____ oxymoron    _____ other:__________


Step Two: Create Lesson Plan


What do we want the class to understand or do better by the end of our lesson?


Plot/Character Development:




Language/Literary Technique:



How will we get them to those goals? (Lesson Plan goes here – include times)

1. Re-enactment:




















How will we know if they learned our lessons?




Step Three: Practice Scenes, Gather Materials, Assign Responsibilities, Practice and Time Lesson


List materials needed here; check them off as you get them:





List Group Members here & what his/her responsibilities are:















Explain your poster here:








Practice Your Scenes & Lesson – get times down.






Who will fill in if we have absences?


____________ for ______________     


____________ for ______________


____________ for ______________


____________ for ______________


____________ for ______________