Things to add: the essential questions
component sprinkled in spring 03 and some Socratic Seminars. If this became a much bigger unit, I would
add a multigenre on the themes perhaps! Also: MUST INCLUDE A COMP-CONT PAPER on
Characters in play.
1. Journal: What is your
overall impression of Shakespeare's time period, his life, his work? Do
you enjoy/anticipate or dread Shakespeare? Explain.
2. Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet Background
a. Handout:
Romeo and Juliet Character
b. Our in class background notes:
1) Discuss journal.
2) Why study Romeo and Juliet? Why study Shakespeare at all?
4) When and where did he work?
5) Of what significance were Elizabeth and
the Renaissance?
3. Read and review play as
needed. Use the guides and synopses
provided on the site. We will work with
various parts of the play, but it is up to you to “fill in the blanks.” If I suspect anyone is not up-to-speed, I can
and will assign the Romeo and Juliet Study Guide.
Take a look if you like, but it ain’t pretty.
1. Journal: none
2. Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet
Background (cont.)
a. Handout:
Romeo and Juliet Character
b. Our in class background notes:
1) Discuss journal.
2) Why study Romeo and Juliet? Why study Shakespeare at all?
4) When and where did he work?
5) Of what significance were Elizabeth and
the Renaissance?
3. Read and review play as
needed. Use the guides and synopses
provided on the site. We will work with
various parts of the play, but it is up to you to “fill in the blanks.” If I suspect anyone is not up-to-speed, I can
and will assign the Romeo and Juliet Study Guide.
Take a look if you like, but it ain’t pretty.
1. Journal: Describe exactly
what gives you troubles in reading Shakespeare. How do you cope with it?
2. Romeo and Juliet Workshop
a. Finish background notes: techniques of Romeo and Juliet
b. Characterization
1) Obviously the main characters but
don't overlook others.
2) The Triad: Romeo, Mercutio,
Benvolio -- An example of how we can organize what we see in literature for
analysis and discussion. Looking for patterns!
c. Handout:
Cast Relationships
3. Reading Shakespeare:
Modeled Reading
I will read through select sections of
the text and "think out loud" how I read Shakespearean text.
The purpose is to show you how to:
a. use footnotes effectively,
b. discern meaning from contextual clues,
c. create meaning using common sense and imagination to
facilitate faster and more efficient reading,
d. know when to switch to close textual reading (defined),
based on importance of the scene, including marking the text.
1. Reading Shakespeare:
Modeled Reading
a. I'll continue modeled reading as needed.
b. Select students emulate modeled reading in class.
1) your own thoughts out loud
2) classmates will add theirs as you
read as well
2. Journal: What have you learned from the Modeled Reading? How has it
changed the way you approach the reading of literature with difficult language
like Romeo and Juliet or Frankenstein? If it didn't change
your approach, describe how you approach it and how you developed that skill.
3. Debrief from modeled reading.
4. HW: KNOW the Queen Mab speech for Monday.
1. Journal: Look over the
Mab Speech again and respond.
2. Reader's Workshop: Imagery & Meaning
a. Discuss your responses to Mercutio's Queen Mab speech and
put the speech in context.
b. Draw and color Mab's scene on a literal level.
c. Share and display
3. Performance: 5/28
4. Reminder: Mab Pics due by Friday.
1. Journal: none
2. Romeo and Juliet Group
Mastery Project
a. Create fully developed outline of
1) your scene enactment, including
all details; if it's translated, you'll need a script.
2) the language themes you will
focus upon and how you plan to explore them.
3) what aspects of characterization
you plan to explore and how you plan to discuss it
4) back up plans
b. Turn in outline
c. Create your materials as outline is completed and REHEARSE!
d. Rehearsal time provided next two days.
3. Performance: 5/28
4. Reminder: Mab Pics due by Friday.
1. Journal: none
2. Romeo and Juliet Group
Mastery Project
a. Complete and turn in outline if needed.
b. Clarify all scenes;
master what you need to cover or get the class to think about.
c. Rehearse scenes.
d. If you doing your scene in translation, you'll need a
fully developed script.
Performance: 5/28
4. Reminder: Mab Pics due by tomorrow.
1. Journal: none
2. Romeo and Juliet Group
Mastery Project
a. Complete any content prep you need.
b. Rehearse scenes.
3. Distribute Of Mice and Men – think Final Exam!
4. Performance: 5/28
5. Reminder: Mab Pics due today.
1. Journal: none
2. Romeo and Juliet Group Mastery Project
a. Synopsis: the boys look for Romeo after the party (II, i)
b. The Balcony Scene (II, ii)
1. Journal: none
2. Romeo and Juliet Group Mastery Project
The Nurse fetches Romeo (II, iv)
1. Journal: none
2. Romeo and Juliet Group Mastery Project
The Nurse tells Juliet and the Wedding (II, v and vi)
1. Journal: none
2. Romeo and Juliet Group Mastery Project
I am fortune's fool! (III,i)
1. Journal: none
2. Romeo and Juliet Group Mastery Project
a. Synopses
1) Juliet reacts to Tybalt’s death
(III, ii)
2) Romeo whines to Friar Lawrence
about banishment (III, iii)
3) Capulet and Paris arrange
Juliet’s marriage to Paris (III, iv)
b. Romeo and Juliet part ways (III, v); Juliet's Plan (IV,
Have ALL portfolio and electronic
portfolio materials in class Wednesday!
Journal: none
2. Romeo and Juliet Group Mastery
a. Synopses
1) Juliet agrees to the marriage to
Paris (IV, ii)
2) Juliet commits to the fake
suicide plan – her soliloquy (IV, iii)
3) Juliet is “dead” (IV, iv)
4) Romeo discovers from Balthasar
that Juliet is “dead” & gets the poison from the apothecary (V, I)
5) Find out from Friar John that the
letter explaining Juliet’s death never made it to Romeo in Mantua due to plague
(V, ii)
b. Death Scene and Denouement (V, iii)
Have ALL portfolio and electronic
portfolio materials in class tomorrow!
Bring Lit Book tomorrow.