English Nine and Honors English Nine

Elizabethan and Shakespearean Background Web Activity



Just click on the link with your name and you will be sent to a site for you to research and critique.  Once that is completed, you will present your findings to the class in a FIVE minute presentation.  Create a five question multiple choice quiz on your presentation with answer key to be turned in after your presentation.

You will be assessed for the following (click HERE for a rubric): 

quality of presentation
depth and scope of material
educational value to other students
competent quiz design
use of lab and work time

Brooks & Reighart: The life and times of Shakespeare
Dolder & Rings: Mystery!  Was Shakespeare real?
Gunka & Roberts: The Globe Theatre
Keklak & Sieple: Elizabethan Pastimes
Loy & Shaw: Domestic Life
Marlow & Stephens: Education in the Renaissance
McClintock & Strater: Social Engineering in Elizabethan England
Parish & Thomas: Religion
Purcell & Thompson: Fashion
Trinkle and Zane: Heraldry
Trudeau & Whitacre: Official Site of the British Monarchy
Watson & Weiss: Elizabeth I

Weiant: Elizabethan Pronunciation



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