Romeo and Juliet Character Response Bulletin Board Activity

In order to show our understanding of the characters and themes of Romeo and Juliet, we are going to run our own "Dear Romeo and Juliet" Bulletin Board!  For Part I, you will ask questions of the various characters about the play in the style of an advice column in a newspaper or magazine.  For Part II, you will answer other students' questions as if you were characters in the play.  Click HERE for the Bulletin Board.
Part I: Ask TWO characters questions: (5 Points Each; Graded for Challenge Level & Creativity.)

Ask ONE character a question according to the period assignments listed below:
Period 2: Romeo
Period 3: Benvolio
Period 4: Juliet
Period 6: Mercutio & the Nurse
Period 7: Friar Laurence 
Ask any other character ONE question as well - you can do more if desired. 

Questions should be thematically based: love, marriage, dreams, generation gap (parent-child relations), loyalty, fate, patience, culpability, etc. See examples below: 
Dear Romeo: How will I know when I truly fall in love?
Dear Benvolio:
What do you think was Romeo's best quality?  His worst?
Dear Juliet
: What did you mean when you said, "I have no joy of this contract to-night:/ It is too rash, too unadvised, too sudden;/ Too like the lightning, which doth cease to be/ Ere one can say 'It lightens.'? (2.2.xx-xx)
Dear Mercutio: I think I have a crush on someone.  What should I do?
Dear Nurse: Why didn't you do more to bridge the gap between Juliet and her mother?
Dear Friar Laurence: How responsible do you feel for your part in Romeo and Juliet's deaths?

Part II: Answering Questions: (10 points each)

First, choose TWO characters to become from this list: Romeo, Juliet, Benvolio, Mercutio, Friar Laurence, the Nurse.
Then, answer ONE question for each of your TWO chosen characters according to the scoring guide below

  • 10: Chooses an academically and/or creatively challenging question, dead-on accurate with exceptional development, powerfully captures character's tone and personality, well written in iambic pentameter with no errors.
  • 9: Chooses an academically and/or creatively challenging question, dead-on accurate with good development, definitely captures character's tone and personality, well written with limited errors.
  • 8: Chooses an academically and/or creatively challenging question, dead-on accurate with acceptable development, character's tone and personality are evident, a few noticeable errors.
  • 7: Chooses a question with limited challenge and/or creativity, minor inaccuracies and/or lack of development, character's tone and personality may be bland, a few noticeable errors.
  • 6: Chooses a question with limited challenge and/or creativity, clear inaccuracies and/or lack of development, character's tone and personality are weak, errors distract reader.
Helpful Hints: Type your responses in your word processor and then copy and paste them in when you have them the way you want them.  Remember: think and write like your character would - not like yourself.  Choose questions that are challenging and/or creative. If someone else has asked your question, you'll need to make up another one.