Marking persuasive essay for turn in


Grab markers, FC, and RD:


1) Underline thesis once & number your three reasons above them.  In left margin, put the corresponding number of each reason next to the paragraph that covers that reason.


2) Circle all transitions between paragraphs.


3) Underline the introduction to each of your quotations twice.  Remember, the introduction to each quot. should explain who is talking and in what context.


4) Put a triangle in the right margin next to the sentence(s) that tell exactly how the quote proves your thesis.


5) In color, underline FIVE parts of your essay you changed from the rough draft to make them better.  Also in color, underline the original words in your rough draft.


6) Put a star in the top left hand corner of your essay if you have used at least one quotation in each body paragraph.


7) In color and using the initials L, E, P above the sentences, show me where you use Logos, Ethos, and Pathos.  If you have mixed sentences, use all initials that apply.