Of Mice and Men Character Sketch Activity Name:______________________________
1) Review the 5 Methods of
Characterization – remember, Steinbeck only uses 4.
2) Using text throughout the book, highlight 5 important passages each for either George or Lennie – you are looking for passages that create character traits or impressions.
3) Use the graphic organizer on the back of this sheet to organize your material. If you are online, click HERE to get the organizer.
4) Try to use a variety of
the methods of characterization.
5) Once you have your
passages and have filled out your graphic organizer, use them to create a description of who that character
really is. These can be anywhere between 2
– 5 paragraphs and can include drawings or poetry too if you like. Be sure to
use your quotations to support your character sketch, along with their page
6) Staple and turn in with this sheet on top, your graphic organizer next, and the sketch itself last.
Of Mice and Men Character Sketch Activity Rubric
_____ of 5 Graphic Organizer Well-Completed
_____ of 5 Captures the essence or presence of the character
_____ of 5 Uses specific descriptions, details; may include creative interpretations
_____ of 5 Has a definite controlling idea, topic sentence, organization
_____ of 5 Relatively free of errors
_____ of 25 Total