Of Mice and Men Character Analysis Formative Activity Name:______________________________
1) Review the Five Methods of
Direct: Direct Description (Narrator Commentary)
Indirect: Dialogue, Actions, Reactions of Others, Thoughts/Feelings/Motivations
*Key Concept: Dynamic vs. Static Characters
2) Using text throughout the book, highlight 5 important passages each for either George or Lennie – you are looking for passages that create character traits or impressions.
3) Then, use the
Character Analysis Graphic
Organizer to collect and categorize all your info in one place.
*Add thoughts/feelings since they are used a bit.
**Try to use a variety of
the methods of characterization.
4) Once you have your passages and have filled out your graphic organizer, use them to fill out the Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph Outliner.
5) Use the outliner to write the draft of your Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph.
6) Staple and turn in with this sheet on top:
-Character Analysis Graphic Organizer
-Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph Outliner
-Final Copy of Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph
Of Mice and Men Character Analysis Activity Rubric
_____ of 5 Has a definite controlling idea, topic sentence, organization
_____ of 5 Accurately identifies and uses an appropriate combination of characterization techniques
_____ of 5 Is fully developed by using specific details from the text
_____ of 5 Has full explanations for each quote
_____ of 5 Accurately captures the personality of the character
_____ Deductions for excessive MUGS errors
_____ of 25 Total