Of Mice and Men Individual Study

A Final Assessment Project for Honors English Nine

(last updated May 20, 2001)


The purpose of this final study is to demonstrate your mastery of both the novel and one or more of the approaches to literature we have studied this year.  Because this study is also designed to be individual, it will evolve from year to year and class to class.  Optional components are included for this purpose, so be sure you are aware of which components are being used for you and your class.  Finally, be aware that this can be used for both a Major Work and an Exam Grade.


The objectives for your study are as follows:






The process for your study will unfold as described here:


Begin by adopting the attitude that you are being asked to show the class that you have truly learned to explore literature on your own.  Next, generate a focus of study, an angle on the book.  Use classmates and the ideas provided by the teacher (these are available by clicking HERE) to create your study focus.  Having established your focus, conduct your study by exploring the book, creating your literary perspective, and deciding how you wish to present it to the class.  You will have _____ days to complete your preparation.  Finally, you will present your study to the class in an informative presentation and/or paper.  Remember, your presentation is informative only and not a teaching exercise (unless you are told otherwise); you will present only, with little or no class participation. 


Here are the possible components of your study.  Carefully note which options are required of you and/or your class.


Yes  No  full preparation of presentation/paper, including notes or drafts (___points, DW)

Yes  No  informative presentation to the class (_____ minutes)

Yes  No  educational presentation to the class (_____ minutes)

Yes  No  fully developed paper graded w/ the Writing About Literature Rubric (_____ para.)

Yes  No  presentation and/or paper is being used for an Exam Grade and/or MW grade.



Of Mice and Men Individual Study Presentation Rubric




The presentation:


clearly demonstrates command of novel both in understanding and analysis.


_____ remarkable   _____ no problem   _____ questionable


powerfully demonstrates mastery of one or more literary perspectives.


_____ masterful   _____ gets it   _____ superficial


uniquely addresses your chosen study focus.


_____ distinguished   _____ good   _____ ordinary


is professionally presented in the time allowed.


_____ professional   _____ student   _____ haphazard





Of Mice and Men Individual Study Presentation Rubric




The presentation:


clearly demonstrates command of novel both in understanding and analysis.


_____ remarkable   _____ no problem   _____ questionable


powerfully demonstrates mastery of one or more literary perspectives.


_____ masterful   _____ gets it   _____ superficial


uniquely addresses your chosen study focus.


_____ distinguished   _____ good   _____ ordinary


is professionally presented in the time allowed.


_____ professional   _____ student   _____ haphazard

