Reading and Study Skills Group Teaching Activity
Objective: To learn about and practice effective reading and study skills through active, student-led mini-lessons.
Assignment: Each of your small groups will prepare a 10 minute lesson on the reading or study skill assigned to you. You will be provided with all the information you need for your assigned skill, an overhead to aid in teaching the class, and guidelines for how best to present the material.
Skill 1: Taking Better Notes
Presentation Tips:
1. One group member should be in charge of going over the notes on the overhead.
2. While the notes are being presented, other members of the group should
model various skills as follows:
a. Item 2: Write the notes that are being given in your own
words on the class flip pad or board - point this out to the class.
b. Item 3: When the presenter gets to an important point -
you decide what that is - point out to the class how you knew it was important.
c. Item 7: Show class examples of shorthand on your flip pad
or board.
d. Item 8: Raise hand and ask for clarification. Tell
class that this is expected and ok.
Skill 2: General Textbook Reading Strategies
Presentation Tips:
1. Go over the notes with the overhead.
2. Item 1: Have them get their World Studies book out and show them how chapters
are broken down into sections, where the review questions are, how the graphics
are used, etc. Be sure you have prepped this well.
3. Item 2: Point out that we'll be going over that later.
4. Item: 6: Show them how to anticipate a test question by looking at the text -
ask Ms. Prahst to show you what to do for this.
Skill 3: Skimming and Scanning
Presentation Tips:
1. Have one person review skimming, another scanning. A third person should
cover in-depth reading even though we won't have time in class to do
2. Have classmates skim your current chapter in the World Studies textbook - be
absolutely sure you have done this first so you know exactly what they should
find! Have them share what their skimming revealed.
3. Have classmates scan a section from your current chapter in the World Studies
textbook for three specific facts. The first to find each fact gets a
little candy bar!
Skill 4: SQ3R
Presentation Tips:
1. Emphasize that this is the most important skill we will present today!
2. Go through each step with the class using your overhead.
3. Use your current World Studies chapter to demonstrate how to turn topic
sentences, section headings, and a chart or graph to create questions.
Make sure they have their books open and are working with you. Make sure
your questions are prepared in advance.
4. Demonstrate how to answer a question in your own words by answering one or
more of your questions. Use big paper to do this - make sure this is
prepared in advance.
Skill 5: Study at Home
Presentation Tips:
1. Have one person present the ideas for studying at home.
2. As you cover each idea, each of the other group members should give examples
and/or demonstrate how they do (or would do this at home). It would
probably be fun to show them how NOT to do it!
3. After you've given examples and demonstrated how you would do it, have
students write in their notes how they would do this at home. If you have
time, have them share a few of their ideas.
Skill 6: Memory
Presentation Tips:
1. One group member should be in charge of going over the notes on the overhead.
2. While the notes are being presented, the other members should take turns
demonstrating and having the class share ideas for the various skills as
a. Item 4: Have three examples of connecting what you learn
in different classes - you could even use this lesson as an example. Then,
have them come up with at least two examples.
b. Item 5: Have three examples of memory "games". Then,
have them come up with at least two more examples.
c. Item 6: Have three examples of relating what you learn in
school to your real life. Then, have them come up with at least two more
d. Item 8: Have them write into their notes the names of two
people they know who would be good to study with.
e. Item 9: Finish the notes and then have the class write a
summary of your lesson right into the notes. Circulate throughout the
class to make sure they are doing it.
Presentation Rubric
• All group members involved in planning and teaching.
• Lesson is well-prepared with examples and demonstrations.
• Meets time requirements reasonably well.