Honors English 9 Daily Agendas:  April 18 - April 22
Monday 4/18 - Shortened Periods for IDU (38 minutes)
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: FIX IT: He is a well-rounded student, for example, he is on student council, participates in Spanish Club, and plays guitar in his own band.
    a. Reminder: Resources on our
IDU page!  You should be accumulating source cards at this point.
    b. Reminder:
Vocab log for ALL reading - includes your research, other classes - 10 words over the week - Due with Quiz next Tuesday. (Same parameters as last time: word, POS, definition, origin, original sentence, your own sentence.)
    c. Assign: Speak Second Marking Period - due next Monday.

3. Reader's Workshop: Speak

    a. Choose groups for discussions - write group members on index card and turn in.
    b. Receive topic sheet - you will be given one; you will choose the other.
    c. Prepare ideas and find text.  You will have time tomorrow as needed.
        1) Keep thorough notes - to be turned in and evaluated.
        2) Be prepared to present ideas to the class - all members must participate.

4. HW: 1)
Speak reading due next M; 2) Vocab log/quiz due next T.
Tuesday 4/19 - Shortened Periods for IDU (43 minutes)
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: FIX IT: He is a well-rounded student; for example, student council, Spanish Club, and guitar in his own band.
    a. Reminder: Resources on our
IDU page!  You should be accumulating source cards at this point.
    b. Reminder:
Vocab log for ALL reading - includes your research, other classes - 10 words over the week - Due with Quiz next Tuesday.
    c. Reminder: Speak Second Marking Period - due Monday.

Reader's Workshop: Speak
    a. Continue group work for Speak
    b. Present Speak ideas to class.

4. HW:
1) Speak reading due M; 2) Vocab log due next T.
Wednesday 4/20
1. No Class - Honors Recognition Assembly.
2. HW:
1) Speak reading due M; 2)Vocab log due T.
Thursday 4/21 - Shortened Periods: 2 Hour Late Start
1. No Class - IDU Workshop
2. HW:
1) Speak reading due M; 2) Vocab log due T.
Friday 4/22
No School