Honors English 9 Daily Agendas:  February 28 - March 4
Monday 2/28
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: (redistribute SCW Volunteer Letters if needed) Summarize the types of courage you saw displayed in the Spanish Civil War letters you read Friday.  You can concentrate on just the first letter or you can include others if you wish.  Keep this journal as you can use it for the end of unit theme wheel.
    a. Announce: Have your two novels (CN & Night) with you everyday.  I'll let you know when you need your literature book.
    b. Due: Night books in class – have checked ASAP.

    c. Turn in SCW Comprehension and Analysis Worksheet.

3. Reader's Workshop: Night
    a. Finish Wiesel bio video &
Viewer's Guide with discussion.
        *Have checked when done during novel sharing time.
4. Reader's Workshop: Courage Novel (if time allows)
    a. Courage Novel sharing - impromptu.
         1) State your book and briefly summarize.
         2) State your definition of courage.
              *Classmates: write down the different definitions you hear.
         3) Tell how your book shows courage.
         4) Rate the book.
5. HW: none

Tuesday 3/1
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder: Have your two novels (CN & Night) with you everyday.  I'll let you know when you need your literature book.
    b. Due: Night books in class – have checked ASAP.

    c. Turn in SCW Comprehension and Analysis Worksheet.
Reader's Workshop: Night
    a. Distribute and review Night map and timeline (handout only available in class).
    b. Assign: You must keep your own vocabulary log for the book. (highlight? note pad?)
    c. Assign: Find and print out a Night character list from the internet.

Reader's Workshop: Courage Novel
    a. Assign: Courage Speech - review assignment.
        *Notice the various ways you can do this.
    b. Write out initial definition of courage on assignment sheet and circle the type of speech you wish to give.
    c. Assign: Record 10 quotes to support your definition of courage - due Thursday.

5. HW: 1) Find and print out a Night character list from the internet; 2) Find 10 quotes to support your Courage Speech definition for Thursday.

Wednesday 3/2 - Shortened Period: 2 Hour Late Start
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: State Lit Strategies you will be using beyond the required vocabulary log and assigned study guide questions.
    a. Reminder: Have your two novels (CN & Night) with you everyday.  I'll let you know when you need your literature book.
    b. Due: Night character lists - checked during reading time.

    c. Turn in SCW Comprehension and Analysis Worksheet.
Reader's Workshop: Night
SSR: Chapter 1 - with vocabulary list.
    b. Answer Chapter 1 follow up questions - have checked.
4. HW: 1) Finish Night Ch. 1 Q's if needed; 2) 10 quotes for Courage Speech due tomorrow.

Thursday 3/3
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Mini-Lesson: Logos, Ethos, Pathos
Reminder: Have your two novels (CN & Night) with you everyday.  I'll let you know when you need your literature book.
    b. Due: Night Ch. 1
follow up questions.
    c. Due: 10 Courage Quotes from Novel.

3. Reader/Speech Workshop: Courage Novel

    a. Review
Courage Speech assignment.
    b. Assign Step Two: Outlining your speech with graphic organizer.
        *Click HERE for the .doc version if you'd like to type it!
        *Click HERE for the .pdf version.
        *You are allowed to use your own outlining method under two conditions:
          1) It actually is an accepted OUTLINE form.
          2) You use the graphic organizer as a checklist.
    c. Creating a thesis - hone several on overhead.
    d. Finish outline for HW if needed.

5. HW: Finish Courage Speech outline (graphic organizer).
Friday 3/4
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Reactions to Night so far..
Reminder: Have your two novels (CN & Night) with you everyday.  I'll let you know when you need your literature book.
    b. Due:
Courage Speech outline.
    c. Distribute & Review: Worksheet - Short Answer Rubric
3. Grades & "Catch Up" Workshop
    a. Latest Grades Report
    b. Print out and complete any missing work.
    c. Turn in.

Current Work Workshop: Night or Courage Speech
    a. Read Ch. 2 with vocab log & answer
follow up questions.
    b. Work on Courage Speech Outline, Draft, or even note cards.

5. HW:
Read Ch. 2 with vocab log & answer follow up questions.