Honors English 9 Daily Agendas:  January 24 - January 28
Monday 1/24
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
Distribute Official Registration Sheets.
    b. Due: Wednesday for Signature Day.
    c. Final form, ready to go, due Friday.

Writer's Workshop (in media center)
    a. Add to FC marking: Highlight or underline in yellow up to five examples of figurative language (metaphors, similes, personification, etc.).
    b. Reader's Roundtable: Pass around stories, read, and share!
    c. Turn in materials.
HW: Official Registration forms due for signing W.
Tuesday 1/25
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
Business: Reminders: Registration Sheets ready to be signed tomorrow; Final turn in is Friday.
3. Open Workshop

4. HW: Official Registration forms due for signing tomorrow.
Wednesday 1/26 - Shortened Period: 2 Hour Late Start
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: What is courage? Give examples of courageous people you know or have read about.
    a. Today is signature day - don't forget!
Reminder: Registration Sheet turn in is Friday.
Assign: Extra credit review of play this weekend.
    d. Debrief from yesterday - what got done?

Reader's Workshop
Read "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" (p. 30 in old book in class).
    b. Premise: He's daydreaming!
    c. Techniques to show daydreaming: imagery, onomatopoeia, situation, verisimilitude.

4. HW: Get Official Reg. form ready for F.
Thursday 1/27
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Grab and old lit book and return at end of period.
Reminder: Registration Sheet turn in is tomorrow.
    c. Reminder
: Extra credit review of play this weekend.
Writer's Workshop
    a. Brief discussion of the shift to courage.

    b. Overview of your next assignment: The Mitty Daydream Skit!
        *Note: Your theme must be about courage.
    c. Group Formation - Part I.
        1) Choose a partner - one of you will be alone for this part of the assignment if odd number of students.
        2) Each partnered pair should brainstorm FIVE scenarios that meet the requirements of the assignment.
    d. Group Formation - Part II.
        1) The teacher will match up pairs to form the final group of 4.
        2) These final groups should now examine both of their paired brainstorms and arrive at a final skit scenario.

4. HW: Get Official Reg. form ready for tomorrow.
Friday 1/28
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Review registration credit info - verify your schedule is correct.
Business: Due: Registration Sheet!
Writer's Workshop: The Mitty Daydream Skit!
Begin creating a rough outline for the skit itself.
    b. Begin Story Board creation as well.

4. HW: none