Honors English 9 Daily Agendas:  December 6 - December 10
Monday 12/6
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Think of two opposing ideas - for example, needing to excel at school vs. time to have fun.  In a paragraph, reconcile your opposing ideas so that they come into a reasonable balance.  Use examples if possible.
Announce: Organizational Check Friday: Book Bags
Assign: Read "The Necklace" by class Wednesday.
3. Student Workshop

Return all graded work & updated grade sheets.
4. Reader's Workshop
    a. With a partner, examine Frankenstein from the point of view of Hopes and Dreams. Answer the question: What is the relationship between Hopes and Dreams and Realistic Expectations in the book?
    b. Share ideas with the class.

5. HW: 1) Finish Frankenstein; 2) Read "The Necklace" by W.
Tuesday 12/7
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder
: Organizational Check Friday: Book Bags
    b. Reminder
: Read "The Necklace" by class Wednesday.
Writer's Workshop" Exam Essay
a. Assign: Exam Essay - due Friday.
        *You may use your theme wheels, text, all notes.
    b. Prewrite now on own paper.
    c. Finish actual essays typed in MLA form for Friday.

4. HW:
1) Finish Frankenstein; 2) Read "The Necklace" by W; 3) Exam essay due Friday.
Wednesday 12/8
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Practice Exam on "The Necklace"
    a. Reminder
: Organizational Check Friday: Book Bags
    b. Reminder
: Exam essay due Friday - typed in MLA format.
Reader's Workshop - Short Story Exam Practice with "The Necklace"
    a. Review question types, answers, what to expect.
    b. You may use the story in your exam essay if you wish.
4. Writer's Workshop" Exam Essay
a. Work Time: Exam Essay.
        1) You may use your theme wheels, text, all notes.
        2) Bring draft with you tomorrow for a peer read.
    b. Drafting time.
    c. Finish actual essays typed in MLA form for Friday.

4. HW:
Exam essay due Friday.
Thursday 12/9
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
a. Reminder: Organizational Check tomorrow: Book Bags - cancelled.
Reminder: Exam essay due Friday - typed in MLA format.
Writer's Workshop Exam Essay
a. Ideas: Modeled thesis creation
b. Peer reading: Exam Essay.
        1) You may use your theme wheels, text, all notes.
        2) Bring draft with you tomorrow for a peer read.
    c. Drafting time.
    d. Finish actual essays typed in MLA form for Friday.

HW: Exam essay due tomorrow.
Friday 12/10
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Practice Exam on "Oranges"
    a. Turn in Exam Essay.
    b. Book Bags checked during practice exam.

Reader's Workshop - Short Story Exam Practice with "Oranges"
    Review question types, answers, what to expect.

Exam Review
    a. Review exam content, terms.
    b. Create study materials - flash cards, etc.

5. HW: Create study materials and review for exam.