Honors English 9 Daily Agendas:  November 29 - December 3
Monday 11/29
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Go back to "The Most Dangerous Game." List all the techniques you can think of that the author used to create suspense/tension in the story.
    a. Reminder: Organizational Checks this week: Planners again.
    b. Reminder: Stay up with your Frankie reading schedule.
    c. Announce: Character Sketch Grades are being posted throughout the week; we will review grades & assign revisions next Monday.

3. Reader's Workshop

    a. Generate literary technique/device list for TMDG and add to our Unit Technique Wheel.
    b. Create Reading Schedule for rest of book - should be read in entirety by DECIDED BY CLASS - PICK A DAY NEXT WEEK M-W.
        *You will get a 3/4 of period reading day tomorrow & 1/2 period Friday.
Assign: One-Pager - Character (p. 4 of document) - due tomorrow.
        *Perhaps a better way of doing this with Frankenstein would be most intriguing character.
    c. If done early, you may read.
4. HW: 1) Complete Character One-Pager for tomorrow; 2) Continue reading schedule.
Tuesday 11/30
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Quickly find a quotation in your novel that gives a telling detail about your favorite character.  Tell which of the five methods of characterization that detail is.  Share with class.
a. Reminder: Organizational Checks this week: Planners again.
    b. Reminder: Stay up with your Frankie reading schedule.

3. Reader's Workshop

    a. Share a few intriguing character comments - turn in.   
    b. SSR for your novel.

4. HW: Continue reading schedule.
Wednesday 12/1 - Shortened Period: 2 Hour Late Start
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
a. Reminder: Organizational Checks this week: Planners again.
    b. Reminder: Stay up with your Frankie reading schedule.

3. Reader's Workshop

    a. Assign:
One-Pager - Setting (p. 2 of document).
    b. Turn in at end of period.

4. HW:
1) Complete One-Pager if needed; 2) Continue reading schedule.
Thursday 12/2
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: (after poetry reading) React to the poem - do you "get it"?  What is odd or difficult about the poem?
a. Reminder: Organizational Checks this week: Planners again.
    b. Reminder: Stay up with your Frankie reading schedule.
    c. Turn in Setting One-Pager

3. Poetry
Reader's Workshop
"12 O'Clock News" - Read, journal quickly, and draw the poem! (We'll begin together.)
    b. When done, write out what you think each thing really is!
    c. If all finish, review what the poem really is & discuss themes, answer questions.

4. HW:
Continue reading schedule.
Friday 12/3
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
a. Reminder: Stay up with your Frankie reading schedule.
    b. Check planners during reading time.

3. Poetry Workshop

a. Follow up on "12 O'Clock News" as needed - perspective, point of view.
    b. Add to our Unit Wheel.
4. Reader's Workshop
    SSR for whatever remains of the period.

5. HW: Continue reading schedule.