Honors English 9 Daily Agendas:  November 15 - November 19
Monday 11/15
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Describe Poe's style in 1-3 sentences.  Then, describe Shelley's style in the same way.  Use literary terms to develop your descriptions.
Grade: Organizational Checks bookbags during journal.
Reminder: Read The Preface and The Letters in Frankenstein for Tuesday.
    c. Distribute Interim Grade Sheet - make corrections (after Writer's Workshop) and return all graded work.
3. Writer's Workshop
    a. Return OMM Character Sketch Rubric Hard Copy.
    b. Assign: Revision Follow Up
        1) 83% and above: In paragraph form, describe exactly how you would revise your paper.
        2) 82% and below: Rewrite of paper by hand - ostensibly on the paper itself, unless you are doing a completely new paper.
    c. Due Friday.

3. Reader's Workshop

Share & Turn in Cask Wheel & Exercise - maybe lit strategies too.
         *Generate list of lit strategies used:
ironies, imagery, foreshadowing, mood, narrator/point of view (1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person limited, 3rd person omniscient), setting, sources of literature, suspense, tone, setting, diction, characterization, Connotation - Language and its effects
    b. Intro to Surprise and Suspense - create analysis wheel and examine essential Q's.

4. HW: 1) Read The Preface and The Letters in Frankenstein; 2) OMM Revisions due F.
Tuesday 11/16
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Your response to Frankenstein already.
Reminder: OMM Revisions due F.
Assign EC: Check Vocab Worksheet on eCampus, grade yourself, make corrections, turn in to teacher!
    c. Helpful Resource: OMM Character Sketch Super-Samples are on eCampus!  Revision goes much better with models to compare to!

3. Frankenstein Workshop

    a. Background & Context - notes online so let's just talk - ok, I'll talk.
    b. Revisit unit EQs.
    c. Suggested Supplemental Resources:
        *Study Guide Questions   *Various Questions & Graphic Organizers
        *Any of the usual Spark Notes, etc.
    d. Begin with text: Preface, Begin the Letters.

4. HW:
OMM Revisions due F.
Wednesday 11/17 - Interim Day
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
Reminder: OMM Revisions due F.
    b. Remind
EC: Check Vocab Worksheet on eCampus, grade yourself, make corrections, turn in to teacher!
c. Helpful Resource: OMM Character Sketch Super-Samples are on eCampus!
Frankenstein Workshop
    a. SSR: Frankenstein Chapters 1 - 3.
    b. Use whatever lit strategy you feel appropriate.

4. HW:
1) Finish reading Chs 1-3 Frankenstein; 2) OMM Revisions due F.
Thursday 11/18 - Conference Night
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: What does it mean to be a parent? What sorts of parents have we seen in the book already?  Describe your parents. Describe the type of parent you hope to be one day.
Reminder: OMM Revisions due F.
Remind EC: Check Vocab Worksheet on eCampus, grade yourself, make corrections, turn in to teacher - turn in now if you have it.
c. Helpful Resource: OMM Character Sketch Super-Samples are on eCampus!
Frankenstein Workshop
    a. Assign: Set reading schedule for Monday given a reading day tomorrow.
        *HW according to class decision.
    b. Jump right into text - full group with overhead notes and
4. HW: 1) Reading schedule as class decides; 2)
OMM Revisions due F.
Friday 11/19
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: tba
Due: OMM Revisions.
Remind EC: Check Vocab Worksheet on eCampus, grade yourself, make corrections, turn in to teacher - turn in now if you have it.
c. Organizational Check during reading time: Portfolios
Frankenstein Workshop
    a. SSR: Frankenstein Chapters as class decides.
    b. Use whatever lit strategy you feel appropriate.

4. HW:
Reading schedule as class decides.