Honors English 9 Daily Agendas:  November 8 - November 12
Monday 11/8 - Shortened Period: 1 Hour Late Start
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Make a list of the various problems "The Cask of Amontillado" gave you.  Next to each, give a strategy for how to deal with the problem.  If you had no problems, give a critical review of Poe's classic: Why is it a classic?
    a. Reminder: Organizational Checks are underway again.
    b. Reminder: Go to eCampus to submit make up work: OMM RD; Kick in the RIR.
    c. Assign: Go to eCampus, check your Kick in the RIR score, read/print the rubric, then answer the Kick in the RIR follow up journal listed there - due by F.

3. Reader's Workshop - Wrapping up Hopes and Dreams

Add MLK Speech to our Hopes and Dreams theme wheel.
Read together: "A Dream Deferred".
    b. Make sure we understand metaphors.
    c. Double check your Unit Theme Wheel to make sure you have all the pieces you can use to support a theme.
Reader's Workshop: "The Cask of Amontillado"
    a. Discuss today's journal: make a list of problems and possible literacy strategies to deal with them.
    b. Begin reading together (audio book if possible) - pausing for clarification.
Implement Literacy Strategies
Level 1: vocabulary & plot outline OR evil genius plan! (2 columns)
        2) Level 2: identify & suggest effects of various techniques (2 columns)
5. HW: eCampus Grade Follow Up post - due by F.
Tuesday 11/9
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Explore the idea of revenge: What do you think of it? What are the benefits? The drawbacks? What is worth getting revenge for? Have you ever gotten revenge? How? How did it feel? Has someone ever gotten revenge on you? How? How did you feel about that?
    a. Reminder: Organizational Checks are underway again.
    b. Reminder: Go to eCampus to submit make up work: OMM RD; Kick in the RIR.
    c. Reminder: Go to eCampus, check your Kick in the RIR score, read/print the rubric, then answer the Kick in the RIR follow up journal listed there - due by F.

Reader's Workshop: "The Cask of Amontillado"
a. Reading together as needed using our lit strategies.
Implement Literacy Strategies
Level 1: vocabulary & plot outline OR evil genius plan! (2 columns)
        2) Level 2: identify & suggest effects of various techniques (2 columns)

4. HW:
eCampus Grade Follow Up post - due by F.
Wednesday 11/10

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: In 250 words or fewer, tell the story of perfect revenge.
2. Business:
    a. Reminder: Organizational Checks are underway again.
    b. Reminder: Go to eCampus to submit make up work: OMM RD; Kick in the RIR.
    c. Reminder: Go to eCampus, check your Kick in the RIR score, read/print the rubric, then answer the Kick in the RIR follow up journal listed there - due by F.
3. Reader's Workshop: "The Cask of Amontillado"
    a. Continue and finish modeled reading with literacy strategies.
    b. Discuss variety of lit devices.
        **ironies, imagery, foreshadowing, mood, narrator/point of view (1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person limited, 3rd person omniscient), setting, sources of literature, suspense, tone, setting, diction, characterization, Connotation - Language and its effects
    c. Is there a theme? Discuss today's journal to give it some context.
    d. Assign: Cask Analysis Wheel & Basic Essay Outline.
        *Required focus - pick one:
Characterization, Style, Suspense, Theme or Tone
4. HW: eCampus Grade Follow Up post - due by F.

Thursday 11/11
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder: Organizational Checks are underway again.
    b. Reminder: Go to eCampus, check your Kick in the RIR score, read/print the rubric, then answer the Kick in the RIR follow up journal listed there - due by F.

    c. Assign: Read The Preface and The Letters in Frankenstein for Tuesday.

Reader's Workshop: "The Cask of Amontillado"
    *Reminder: Required focus - pick one: Characterization, Style, Suspense, Theme, or Tone
Work on Cask Analysis Wheel
        1) 15 minutes alone.
        2) 15 minutes with a group of "like-centered" peers.
    b. Post these to the overhead and critique.

4. HW: 1)
eCampus Grade Follow Up post - due tomorrow; 2) Read The Preface and The Letters in Frankenstein for Tuesday.
Friday 11/12 - 1/2 period for instruction - Vision/Hearing Screenings
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Assign: Check OMM Paper Voice Notes on
eCampus .
    b. Due: Go to
eCampus , check your Kick in the RIR score, read/print the rubric, then answer the Kick in the RIR follow up journal listed there.
    c. Reminder:
Read The Preface and The Letters in Frankenstein for Tuesday.
Writer's Workshop: "The Cask of Amontillado"
a. Using your Cask Analysis Wheel fill out the Basic Essay Outline.
    b. Note this is a basic outline - a real essay would require more textual proof.
    c. Assign: If you don't finish in class, finish for Monday.

4. HW: 1) Finish Cask Basic Outline Worksheet; 2)
Check Voice Notes on eCampus; 3) Read The Preface and The Letters in Frankenstein for Tuesday.