Honors English 9 Daily Agendas:  October 25 - October 29
Monday 10/25
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Assign: If you don't have it already, get Frankenstein asap.
Assign: Have paper copy of Character Sketch with you every day.
Writer's Workshop: OMM Character Sketch
    a. Finish up RD of all support paragraphs.
    b. Attempt addition of introduction and conclusion.

4. HW: Full RD of OMM essay due tomorrow
- have paper copy.
Tuesday 10/26
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder:
If you don't have it already, get Frankenstein asap.
    b. Reminder:
Have paper copy of Character Sketch with you every day.
3. Writer's Workshop: Kick in the RIR Nomination
    a. Assign: Go to eCampus and complete the Kick in the RIR online text.
    b. Be sure to read the directions carefully.
    c. I suggest your compose your paragraph in Word first; then, copy it over when it's ready.

Writer's Workshop: OMM Character Sketch
Assign: Post thesis and one support paragraph on eCampus immediately.
    b. Assign: You will be assigned a partner to comment on. Go to their post when you are done posting your work and critique it, both good and bad.
    c. Keep in mind that I will see your critiques and may evaluate the vigor and rigor of your work.
    d. Assign for HW: Use the list given to you in class to go to eCampus and comment on those students' work.
       1) Keep in mind that these students DO NOT KNOW ABOUT the CLEW vocab so talk about explanations & connections to the thesis - not warrants.

       2) Limit your comments to about 5-8 minutes each for no more than 15-20 minutes total.
5. HW: Comment on assigned three theses and support paragraphs on eCampus.
Wednesday 10/27
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder:
If you don't have it already, get Frankenstein asap.
Reminder: Have paper copy of Character Sketch with you every day - make sure you bring it to class tomorrow!
c. Reminder: We are back in our classroom tomorrow; back in the media center Friday.
Writer's Workshop
    a. Assign: Many of you have comments on your paragraphs posted yesterday - go check them out.  They are most helpful!
    b. Assign: Introductions and Conclusions on
        Step 1: Take a look at the Idea Sheet.
        Step 2: Read some past students' samples.
        Step 3: Write your intro and conclusion - post one or the other or both to
        Step 4: Comment on a couple others.

4. HW: Complete OMM Character Sketch RD due tomorrow - bring paper copy to class.
Thursday 10/28
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Jot down any remaining questions you have about your Character Sketch.
a. Reminder: If you don't have it already, get Frankenstein asap.
b. Reminder: Have paper copy of Character Sketch with you every day.
    c. Assign: Complete OMM Character Sketch FC due END OF CLASS tomorrow - no paper turn in.
    d. Reminder: Back in Media Center tomorrow.

3. Student Workshop
    a. Distribute final first quarter grades.
    b. Review overall grades
- trends, journals, differences in 2nd quarter.
4. Writer's Workshop
    a. Trends - what to look for (number of quotes, paragraph coherence and unity)
    b. Review Rubric.
    c. Peer Reading Guide - trade and fill out.
    d. Making revisions.
5. HW: Be prepared to finish Character Sketch in class tomorrow.
Friday 10/29 - Shortened Periods for Blue Team Celebration
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Reminder:
If you don't have it already, get Frankenstein asap.
Assign: Complete OMM Character Sketch FC due END OF CLASS today - no paper turn in - just upload.
    c. Assign: Read MLK "I Have a Dream" speech for Monday.

Writer's Workshop
    a. Check out the MLA in-text Citation Link on
    b. Check your quotes to make sure they are correct.
    c. NO Works Cited page - this time!
    d. Finish and upload Character Sketch on
4. Reader's Workshop
    a. If you finish your paper and uploading early, begin reading MLK
"I Have a Dream" speech. 

5. HW: Complete reading of MLK "I Have a Dream" Speech due Monday.