Honors English 9 Daily Agendas:  August 30 - September 3
Monday 8/30
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Creative Writing - First Lines: As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. - Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis
    a. Turn in any rogue materials: Syllabus, Lit Permission, Glue Sticks, Open House Letter.
Reminder: Of Mice and Men due Sept 7.
Think ahead: Organization Checks begin Friday.
3. English Class Workshop

    a. The Process of Creation: Intro to
"Writing Process" (continued)
    b. The Importance of Revision -
The RRD.
4. Writer's Workshop
a. My job for the next two weeks is to give you a little training for ALL your classes.
b. Key elements of writing effectively: audience, purpose, focus
    d. Diagnostic Paragraph Writing
       1) Prewrite
            a. Audience: the class/teacher
            b. Purpose: to let us get to know you a bit
            c. Focus:
Favorite thing to do, Favorite sport, Favorite subject in school, etc.
       2) Create OL/RD -
Finish for HW as needed.

5. HW: 1) Finish OL/RD of your "Favorite Paragraph;" 2)
Of Mice and Men due Sept. 7.
Tuesday 8/31
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Pop Quiz
2. Business
a. Turn in any rogue materials: Syllabus, Lit Permission, Glue Sticks, Open House Letter.
Reminder: Of Mice and Men due Sept 7.
    c. Think ahead:
Organization Checks begin Friday.
3. Writer's Workshop
    a. Intro/Review for the
"Perfect Paragraph" - handout with notes.
        *Special emphasis on examples - using SPECIFIC examples!
    b. Unity and Coherence:
Transitions - handout.
    c. Application:
        1) Peer Edit: Use the Perfect Paragraph Rubric to check a partner's Favorite paragraph.
        2) Revise - create RRD and write FC - MLA (2x spacing).
    d. All materials
due tomorrow.
4. HW: 1) PW, OL, RD/RRD, FC of Perfect Paragraph due tomorrow;
2) Of Mice and Men due Sept. 7.
Wednesday 9/1
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
a. Turn in any rogue materials: Syllabus, Lit Permission, Glue Sticks, Open House Letter.
Reminder: Of Mice and Men due Sept 7.
    c. Think ahead:
Organization Checks begin Friday.
Writer's Workshop (Guided Reflection)
Marking up FC to see how we did.
Color Code - standard
        2) Color Code - advanced marking
Turn in Perfect Paragraph: FC, PW, OL, RD/RRD.
*Find some serious errors?  Fix tonight and turn in tomorrow.
    c. If time, review the four sentence types: Simple, Compound, Complex, Compound-Complex.

        *Includes review of dependent/subordinate clauses and independent clauses.
4. HW:
Of Mice and Men due Sept. 7.
Thursday 9/2
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Describe how to read a textbook and how that is different from reading other types of materials like magazines, novels, etc.
Turn in late Perfect Paragraphs - if needed.
Reminder: Of Mice and Men due Sept 7.
Think ahead: Organization Checks begin tomorrow.
Student Workshop - Reading & Study Skills

    a. Discuss journal.
    b. Review SQ3R with skimming and scanning. (Active Reading/Literacy Strategies)

        *These notes can only be had in class; if you are absent, get them from a peer ASAP!

    c. Application Assignment: Perform SQ3R on Ch 10, Sec 3 of your World Studies book.

        1) Target number of questions & answers 10.

        2) Begin now and complete for HW.  I can answer any questions you have as you work.

4. HW: 1) Complete SQ3R for Ch. 10, Sec 3 of WS book; 2) Of Mice and Men due Sept. 7.

Friday 9/3 (Slightly shorter schedule for Recognition & Organization Friday)
1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none - go straight to writing lesson
2. Business
Turn in late Perfect Paragraphs - if needed.
Turn in SQ3R from WS book.
Reminder: Of Mice and Men due Sept 7.
Organization Checks - Book Bags - in Period 1 - during today's workshop.

3. Writer's Workshop: The World Studies Perfect Paragraph
Application Assignment: create RD for the following WS prompt: What makes Absolute Monarchs ineffective leaders? (20 minutes).
    b. Review the World Studies Perfect Paragraph outline and annotated sample.
    c. Revise your original RD and create FC in MLA style.
    d. Due in World Studies class Tuesday.

4. HW: 1) Finish World Studies Perfect Paragraph FC to turn in Tuesday in World Studies; 2)
HW: Of Mice and Men due Sept. 7.