Name:______________________  Date Scored:___________


The portfolio has each of the required components, correctly or logically labeled, and easily identified and accessed.


10 points – Portfolio has places for practice work, worksheets, drafts, , final copies, tests/quizzes, vocabulary, vitae, reading/writing logs, etc.


6   points – Obvious section(s) is/are missing, improperly labeled, or hard to find/use.


4   points -- There is a portfolio, but it isn’t formatted &/or complete.


Each section is logically ordered and complete with all work (includes drafts of all work).


10 points – Clear table of contents – sections appear complete.


8   points – Clear table of contents – one section appears to be flawed/incomplete.


6   points – Hard to use table of contents; two (+) sections appear to be flawed/incomplete.


The portfolio demonstrates the student’s pride in his/her own work through a exceptional maintenance and professional presentation and mastery of curricular technology goals.


10 points -- Superior organization, neatness, and aesthetic presentation


8   points -- Acceptable organization, neatness, and aesthetic presentation


6   points -- Noticeable lapses in organization, neatness, and/or aesthetic presentation


The portfolio demonstrates the ability of the student to express how the portfolio reflects her development as a writer, student, and person and use that understanding to inform future learning and growth. This is mostly reflected in the Learning Essay.


_____ of 5  honesty and accuracy 


_____ of 5  development through examples from your portfolio and life 


_____ of 5  organization and flow 


_____ of 5  mechanical correctness 


_____ of 5  effort, apparent use of writing process, following directions


_____ of 25 points – Score on Learning Essay




_____ of 55  Total for Portfolio