Write a radio or TV ad for any product you wish. This can be a real product or one you
“invent” just for this assignment.
15 to 30 seconds in performance
Fully developed script with prewriting, draft, revision, and
Use at least three propaganda techniques –
remember, this is advertising so you can be as blatant as you want to be!
You may be asked to tell us the techniques you used and why
you used them.
Sound and visual effects are encouraged; music is good too.
Tone is up to you. Be humorous, serious, dour, outrageous.
You may be asked to debate a topic either by yourself or
with a partner or group.
You will have 5 minutes to plan once you get your topic.
You will have an opening statement.
You will propose 2 or 3 points and be able to give rebuttals
to your opponent’s points as time allows.
You will make a closing statement.
The class will vote on the winner.
You may be interrupted from time to time for coaching and
constructive criticism both from the teacher and your classmates.