1. What does it mean to argue? Persuade? Debate? Fight?
2. When someone is trying to persuade you, what kinds of things convince you that he/she is right? Give examples. Conversely, what could he/she say to turn you off -- get you to reject his/her position? Give examples.
3. When was the last time you tried to persuade somebody to do something? What was it? Did it work? Why/why not?
4. What are some of the most important controversial issues in your life? How about in our society today? Pick one or two and explore them here.
5. [Too Much Homework] Some of the parents at your school have started a campaign to limit the homework that teachers can assign to students. Teachers at your school have argued that the homework is necessary. What is your position? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your position and supporting it with convincing reasons.
6. Brainstorm a list of at least 10 Opinions/Value Judgments you would like to argue.
7. How are you affected by propaganda?
8. Summarize what you have learned from your propaganda studies over the past week.
9. Describe past experiences with research, both good and bad. Then, describe your personal approach to research, specifically what you want to do this time.
10. What have you been able to find in your research so far? What difficulties did you or do you expect to encounter? Describe the types of research you found: stats? facts? observational? authoritative opinions? examples? What do you still need to find?
11. What is your concept of a debate? What happens? In what order? How is a winner determined?
12. From your point of view, what is left to do on your side of the debate? Also, what do you still feel unclear about as far as the debate goes?
13. Now
that you’ve viewed pretty much an entire debate in the exact form that we will
debate – with both good and bad debate techniques included – list the things
you think a debate team should be judged (graded) on.
14. [Too Much Homework] Some of the parents at your school have
started a campaign to limit the homework that teachers can assign to students.
Teachers at your school have argued that the homework is necessary. What is your
position? Write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper stating your
position and supporting it with convincing reasons.