Period 3

I. Should Hilliard City Schools build a third high school?
(change): We need a third high school. (Beery, Kambic, Lepley, Partlow, Sullivan)
Negative (status quo): We should stay put and add on. (Bobbitt, Crenshaw, LeMaster, Sekiguchi)
Material Needs: Computer Overhead Projector
Dates of Debate: 1/13, 1/14

II. Should we continue to experiment on animals for research purposes?
(change): We need to stop or dramatically alter the use of animal experimentation in     research. (Ahn, Bassler, Berry, Ho-Todd, Sinay)
(status quo): We need to continue using animals for research experimentation in much the same way we currently are. (Clarke, Flamm, Shuneson, Sohner)
Material Needs: Computer Overhead Projector
Dates of Debate: 1/7, 1/8

III. Should gun control laws be tightened?
(change): Gun control laws are currently inadequate and should be changed. (Chu, Kiser, Reed, Trinkle)
(status quo): Gun control laws are adequate as is or with only a few minor changes. (DeDent, Espe, Hunter, Karem, Pachuta)
Material Needs: none
Dates of Debate: 12/18, 12/19

Period 5/6

I. Should we continue to teach sex education in our public schools?
(change): We need to stop or dramatically modify sex ed in public schools. (Chambers, Jennings, Parrot)
(status quo): We need to continue or even enhance sex ed in public schools. (Kovell, Nash, Taylor, Wickham)
Material Needs: Regular Overhead Projector
Dates of Debate: 1/7, 1/8

II. Should marijuana be legalized?
(change): Marijuana laws need to be changed to legalization. (Cook, Halman, Kreiser) 
(status quo): We should maintain current marijuana laws. (Collins, Jones, Sullivan)
Material Needs: none
Dates of Debate: 12/18, 12/19

III. Should current laws allowing capital punishment be changed?
(change): Yes, we should change the law to eliminate capital punishment. (Hull, Lahey, Ziniel)
Negative (status quo): We need to maintain the current laws allowing capital punishment. (Metzger, Ruehl, Thomas)
Material Needs: TV/VCR
Dates of Debate: 1/13, 1/14