Establishing a Basis for Argument and Persuasion:
Facts, Opinions, Value Judgments, & Preferences

Part I: Separating the Provable, the Supportable, & the Irrelevant

Facts: statements that can be proved or have been proven; 
very useful in persuasion and argumentation
Type I observations - can be first or second hand - first is preferred but second hand is acceptable as research
Ex: More students buy fries than any other lunch selection.
Type II definitions - generally already proven or self-evident
Ex: A kilometer is 1000 meters.
To prove: - Experiences and First Hand Observations (preferred)
- Ask an expert (a doctor for example)
- Authoritative Sources (encyclopedia, etc.)


Opinions aka Value Judgments cannot be proven (though we will attack them as if we could) but can be supported; unsupported opinions should be disregarded
Recognize - adjectives/adverbs that indicate judgments such as better or worse, excellent or terrible, good or bad
- verbs of belief or prescription such as ought or should
- anything that cannot be proven using observations, experiences, expert or authoritative sources
Relevance Opinions are relevant if they can be supported with facts, authoritative opinions, observations, etc.
Ex. HDvHS should have open lunch because it would relieve lunchroom crowding and allow students to take a needed break after the morning schedule.
Disregard Unsupported opinions should be disregarded.
Ex. HDvHS should have open lunch. (note the lack of reasons)  See if the speaker can provide reasons.
Preferences Preferences, while certainly compelling, are irrelevant as judgments or as support. Look for words like feel, like, hate, prefer.
Ex. I like pizza. 
Ex. I think we should have open lunch because I like it.
NB. Do not fall into the trap of thinking that if something sounds good to you, it is a fact or supportable opinion.

Part II: Recognition Exercises

Identify each of the following statements as a fact, an opinion (value judgment), or a preference.  If it is a fact, tell how you would prove it; if it is an opinion, tell how you might support it.

1. Abortion should not be legal.

2. I really dislike people who are against legal abortions.

3. Abortions account for 15% of all the health care costs in our country.

4. I feel more comfortable wearing my hat to school.

5. In traditional American culture, the wearing of a hat in a public building is considered disrespectful.

6. It is not fair to limit students' freedom of expression through a strict dress code.

7. Wearing a hat is a great way to cover up a bad hair day.

8. Ohio State has the most boring helmets in college football.

9. Ohio State has the best football team in the Big Ten.

10. Ohio State has statistically dominated three of the four opponents they have faced this year.

11. Tallahassee became the capital of Florida in 1824.

12. This new Kickturn Deluxe skateboard is excellent.

13. A modem is a device that converts data from one form into another.

14. Mariah Carey has had several platinum albums.

15.The Rampager sport utility vehicle is my favorite new car of the year.