Deductive Fiction Evaluation Rubric

Excellent Good Adequate Needs Work

Creative and Accurate Use of Deduction

The story seamlessly incorporates sound and thoughtful deductive syllogisms in a truly narrative form. Syllogisms are used to cleverly reveal the story's resolution.

The story does incorporate accurate deductive syllogisms in narrative form, though it may be noticeably awkward in spots. Syllogisms do reveal the story's resolution.

The story may not incorporate accurate deductive syllogisms in narrative form; clearly forced or ineffective placements. Syllogisms strain but do reveal the story's resolution.

The story doesn't consistently incorporate accurate deductive syllogisms in narrative form; those that are are stilted. Syllogisms probably don't result in a satisfactory resolution.

Entertaining Story that Builds Suspense

The story is truly engaging and uses its deductive logic and storytelling pace to build anticipation of the climax and resolution. Reader must truly think to discover the story's logical conclusion.

The story is engaging and builds some anticipation of the climax and resolution through deductive logic and storytelling pace. Story's logical conclusion can be discovered with some challenging thought.

The story may not be totally engaging and builds only a little anticipation of the climax and resolution through deductive logic. Storytelling pace may be too quick or too slow. Story's logical conclusion is easily discovered or difficult to discern.

The story isn't really engaging and builds little anticipation of the climax and resolution through deductive logic. Storytelling pace is stilted or careless. Story's logical conclusion is obtuse or indiscernible.

Well Written Story The story demonstrates many, if not all, of the qualities of a good narrative, including sophisticated setting, developed characters, strong imagery and figurative language, etc. . . The story demonstrates some of the qualities of a good narrative, including sophisticated setting, developed characters, strong imagery and figurative language, etc. . . The story demonstrates a few of the qualities of a good narrative, including sophisticated setting, developed characters, strong imagery and figurative language, etc. . . The story demonstrates few, if any, of the qualities of a good narrative, including sophisticated setting, developed characters, strong imagery and figurative language, etc. . .
Use of Writing Process Authors use all the steps of the Writing Process effectively and demonstrate effective cooperation. Excellent use of time. Authors use all the steps of the Writing Process effectively and demonstrate effective cooperation. Excellent use of time. Authors use most of the steps of the Writing Process effectively and demonstrate some cooperation. Inconsistent use of time. Authors use the steps of the Writing Process inconsistently and may struggle to cooperate. Poor use of time.

Final Score:___________________