Negative Side: You are
arguing that there should be NO change in current practice or policy.
Your debate question:
Your position:
Case arguments for your position
or against theirs:
Possible Case 1 for keeping
things the same or your counter-case 1 to an example they will give to support
b. source:
c. (circle all that apply) deductive/inductive; logos,
ethos, pathos
Possible Case 2 for keeping
things the same or your counter-case 2 to an example they will give to support
b. source:
c. (circle all that apply) deductive/inductive; logos,
ethos, pathos
Negative consequences to the
changes they want:
Possible negative
consequence 1 of their plan for change:
b. source:
c. (circle all that apply) deductive/inductive; logos,
ethos, pathos
Possible negative
consequence 2 of their plan for change:
b. source:
c. (circle all that apply) deductive/inductive; logos,
ethos, pathos
Attacks on the
assumptions or fallacies in their logic:
Weak assumption or fallacy 1
in their plan for change:
b. source:
c. (circle all that apply) deductive/inductive; logos,
ethos, pathos
Weak assumption or fallacy 2
in their plan for change:
b. source:
c. (circle all that apply) deductive/inductive; logos,
ethos, pathos
Your attacks on the
relevance of their solutions:
Your counter-plan,
generally focused on maintaining the status quo with minor changes:
Step 1: We would…
a. evidence this is a good step:
b. source:
c. (circle all that apply) deductive/inductive; logos,
ethos, pathos
Step 2: We would…
a. evidence this is a good step:
b. source:
c. (circle all that apply) deductive/inductive; logos,
ethos, pathos
Benefits of your plan:
Anticipated attacks on your
position and your possible turns:
Anticipated attacks on your
position and your possible permutations:
Overall anticipation of
our opponent’s position and approaches with our responses: