Rhetorical Awareness of Persuasion - Overall Effect Struggles with the nature of persuasive speeches. Tends to give a descriptive or informational talk for most of the speech. Demonstrates an awareness of the nature of persuasive speeches. Reproduces most of the conventions in his/her own speech. Demonstrates a very solid awareness and application of conventions of a persuasive speech, intended for a particular target audience. Has a natural flair for public speaking and persuasive speeches, especially with regards to structure, emotion, and flow.
Effective Organization - Sequencing for Purpose Logical progression of ideas is evident at times, but inconsistent. Sequence of ideas is logical and is followed easily. Sequence of ideas is logical and is followed easily, complemented by a clear & effective structure. Structure of speech is very clear, conveying a powerful sense of purpose & persuasive design.
Application of Persuasive Techniques & Resources Uses a bare minimum of persuasive techniques and insufficient resources. Uses a number of persuasive techniques. Awkward but evident experimentation with new language & concepts studied in class. Uses an acceptable range of resource info. Uses a range of persuasive techniques which suit the topic and tone of the speech. Begins to experiment well with new language and concepts studied in class. Uses a good range of resource info. Uses a range of rhetorical devices in a creative and original way. Demonstrates an accomplished experimentation with new language and concepts studied in class. Uses a wide variety of resources fluently
Clarity and Persuasive Tone Inconsistent clarity and tone remains inappropriately neutral for the most part. Speaks with clarity to the target audience. Tone demonstrates some attempt to be persuasive. Speaks with clarity and confidence to the target audience; Persuasive tone is very evident throughout. Speaks clearly, with confidence and has 'presence'. Persuasiveness is natural for this student.
Professional Presentation and Stage Presence

For the essay version, this is grammar and MLA style.

Speaker presents self shabbily in appearance &/or mannerism; maintains very little eye contact; unaware of body language; speech seems unfamiliar Speaker presents self adequately, maintains eye contact regularly, seems aware of importance of body language although s/he struggles with it. Speaker presents self well, maintains eye contact for the most part. Some positive use of body language is demonstrated. Speaker presents self professionally; maintains consistent eye contact, and uses body language effectively to create interest and persuade.
Fulfillment of Requirements for Constructive Speech Uses only a couple of the expected topics of a constructive speech; seems unsure. Uses most of the expected topics of a constructive speech but may have uneven development. Uses all of the expected topics effectively. Uses all of the expected topics powerfully, each building off the other.

SCORE: _____/50    GRADE: _________

Adapted from: "Persuasive Speech: Composition." English Teaching Resources: Outcomes Based Assessment Rubrics - Persuasive Speech. December 4, 2001. http://www.catholic-forum.com/catholicteacher/outcomes_persuasive_speech.html