Honors English 9 10/26 - 10/30

Monday 10/26 - Begin 2nd Quarter

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: After movie, last question on worksheet, will be turned in.
    a. Grade Cards come out Friday

    b. Final grade print outs distributed -
Assign: Signed and returned tomorrow.
Viewer's Workshop: OMM Movie
Watch movie & respond to last questions as a journal.
    b. Finish up
Viewer's Guide and turn in.
Writer's Workshop 
    a. Assign: Kick in the RIR Writing.
    b. What to cover: Responsibility, Integrity, Respect.
    c. Review Perfect Paragraph - Topic Sentence, Three Majors, at least One Minor per Major, Clincher.
    d. Use the process - FC due tomorrow.

5. HW:
1) Grade sheets signed by parent; 2) Finish Kick in the RIR writing.

Tuesday 10/27

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Grade Cards come out Friday
    b. Turn in signed grade print outs.
    c. Turn in Kick in the RIR perfect paragraphs.

Writer's Workshop (Laptops 4 & 8)
    a. Receive Rooftop Lab Rubric.
    b. Go to eCampus - open file and view comments.
    c. Do online journal: Rooftop Lab Lessons Learned.
Reader Workshop
Handout: "Marigolds" Active Reading & Literacy Strategy
        1) Preview Vocabulary
        2) Assign: Literacy Strategy Chart on handout - complete as you read.
        3) Thoroughly read p. 74 before reading the story
    b. SSR: Eugenia Collier's "Marigolds" - pp. 75 to 84 in literature book - doing your chart as you go.

    c. Finish for HW.

5. HW:
"Marigolds" reading & chart.

Wednesday 10/28

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: What does it mean to analyze?  To analyze literature?  Why do we do it?
    a. Grade Cards come out Friday
    b. Turn in late signed grade print outs.
    c. Turn in late Kick in the RIR perfect paragraphs.
    d. Turn in "Marigolds" Active Reading & Literacy Strategy Chart

Reader/Thinker Workshop: Literary Analysis
Meet The Wheel - just like your G.O. from the Character Analysis.
    b. It's a thinking skill - not just a reading skill!
Literary Techniques handout - review.
    d. "Marigolds" -
General observations about the story - relate to hopes and dreams.
    e. Theme in the story - using literary terms (modeled analysis).
    f. Creating Theme Wheel for the story.

4. HW: none

Thursday 10/29


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Grade Cards come out Friday
    b. Turn in late signed grade print out,
Kick in the RIR perfect paragraph, "Marigolds" Active Reading & Literacy Strategy Chart.
Reader Workshop
    a. You asked about how I knew it was the theme: there is a trick to this that makes it easy (usually)!
"Marigolds" theme wheel work continued.
4. HW: none


Friday 10/30 (Periods Shortened for Blue Team Celebration)


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Grade Cards come out today.
    b. Turn in late signed grade print outs.
    c. Turn in late Kick in the RIR perfect paragraphs.

Reader Workshop: Choice Reading
    a. Get book.

    b. Begin reading - SSR.
4. HW:
Read 20 pages into your book by Monday.