Honors English 9 10/12 - 10/16

Monday 10/12
Period slightly shortened for DVD late start.

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business
No organization check this week.
Reader's Workshop: OMM - Kohlberg's Morality
Share N classifications - master or slave?
    b. Learn Kohlberg's Theory of Morality.
    c. The Heinz Dilemma.
    d. Maybe another Dilemma.
    e. Begin work on
Moral Classification Worksheet - Kohlberg.
4. HW:
Finish Moral Classification Worksheet for Kohlberg.

Tuesday 10/13

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Think of a moral dilemma you've faced - the more recent, the better.  Write about your solution to the problem and what level of Kohlberg your decision would be classified as.  Conclude by trying to categorize yourself according to Kohlberg's theory.
a. No organization check this week.
    b. Meet in Media Center tomorrow - bring OMM with you.

Reader's Workshop: OMM - Morality
Share Kohlberg classifications for various moral decisions in OMM.
    b. Fill out rest of
Moral Classification Worksheet with your moral position and a conclusion drawn by looking at all three theories.
    c. Turn in
Moral Classification Worksheet with your Nietzsche journal & Good & Evil Reconsidered Q's when done.
4. HW: None unless you need to finish up the Moral Classification material.

Wednesday 10/14
Meet in front of Media Center.

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
a. No organization check this week.
    b. Turn in
Moral Classification Worksheet with your Nietzsche journal & Good & Evil Reconsidered Q's if needed.
Reader/Writer Workshop
Focus: Character - the five types of characterization - they are on the Character Analysis Activity Worksheet.
        1) Which are direct?  Which are indirect?
        2) Static vs. Dynamic Characters
    b. Highlight passages & work on Character Analysis Graphic Organizer - due tomorrow.

4. HW:
Character Analysis Graphic Organizers due tomorrow.

Thursday 10/15


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: tba
Business: No organization check this week.
Reader/Writer Workshop
Use your Character Analysis Graphic Organizer to fill out the Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph Outliner for George or Lennie.
    b. This should be done for next Tuesday.

4. HW:
Finish Character Analysis Perfect Paragraph Outliner by next Tuesday.


Friday 10/16


No School - COI Day