Honors English 9 9/21 - 9/25

Monday 9/21

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business
    a. Organization Checks this week - back to book bags.
    b. Interims are Friday - be on the lookout for your grades this week.
    c. During lesson today: Check for books & for home internet access.

Reader/Writer Workshop
Get signed up for our Blue Team eCampus course.
    b. Complete the Reader Profile Activity on our site.
    c. When done, read through Chapter 3 of Of Mice and Men.
4. HW: Finish through Chapter 3 of Of Mice and Men.

Tuesday 9/22

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Write down any questions you have about the book so far.  If you have no questions, write about some aspect of the book that you find troubling, interesting, fascinating, odd, etc.
    a. Organization Checks this week - back to book bags.
    b. Interims are Friday - be on the lookout for your grades this week.
    c. Using the website - review.

Reader Workshop
    a. How to get answers to your questions.
    b. Active Reading: Plot and Character Charts - optional for your class.
        *Online Chapter Study Guides - if you need even more.
        *Great links to help you out!
    c. Fill out through Chapter 3 as needed.  Good way to track your progress & comprehension.
    d. If done early, you may begin to read Chapter 4.

4. HW: Finish reading Chapter 4 of Of Mice and Men.

Wednesday 9/23 - Shortened Periods for District Late Start

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Organization Checks this week - back to book bags.
    b. Interims are Friday - be on the lookout for your grades this week.
    c. Return perfect paragraphs during reading time.
    d. Pass out interim grades.

Reader Workshop
    Finish first read of OMM.

4. HW: Finish OMM.

Thursday 9/24


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: The obvious question: What did you think of the book?  (10 min. extended for full commentary)
Organization Checks this week - back to book bags.
Reader Workshop
    a. Discuss journal: response to book, evaluation.
    b. What we will study:

        1) Literary technique and language.

        2) Themes and morality.
    c. Generate thematic statements: What was Steinbeck trying to tell us?
        1) Literary Technique: Theme - UNIVERSAL
        2) Create thematic statements as a class.
    d. Working with text: Find text to support the thematic statements of the class.
        1) Individuals assigned specific themes by counting off.
        2) Once each individual has a quote, like-themed students form groups.
        3) On overhead, groups assemble their quotes to present to class (p. #'s ok), explaining how each quote supports the theme AND how they all work together to support that theme.
             * Evaluated for justification, ability to relate each quote to theme, demonstration of how all quotes work together, equal participation, listening/notetaking.
             **Oh, and there will be surprise questions too!

        4) If time, begin presentations.
4. HW: none


Friday 9/25 - Interim Day


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Which theme of the book has the most personal connection to you?  Why?
    a. Organization Check - Book Bag in 1st Period
    b. Receive interim grades.

Reader Workshop
Continue from yesterday.
4. HW: none