Honors English 9 9/14 - 9/18

Monday 9/14 (Slightly shortened periods for DVD late start.)

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Mini-Lesson: Interrogatives
    a. Organization Checks this Friday: Notebooks!
    b. Bring Of Mice and Men tomorrow.

Writer's Workshop - Personal Creative Writing
    a. Where I'm From - Guided Revision.
    b. Finish all revisions and prepare FC of poem/poster.
Have checked by teacher (with RD) and post on the wall.
4. HW:
Bring Of Mice and Men to class tomorrow.

Tuesday 9/15 (teacher out)

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
    a. Organization Checks this Friday: Notebooks!
    b. Hoping to have Of Mice and Men books in class.

Reader's Workshop
    a. SSR: Chapter 1 of Of Mice and Men.
    b. Chapter 1 Study Guide assigned to only students who choose not to read.
    c. If you do not have your book yet, it's ok.  You may use today as a study hall - one time offer though!

4. HW: none

Wednesday 9/16

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: (Be sure no one else sees your card!) On an index card, write down three hopes/dreams/goals you have for your life and briefly why you want to accomplish them.  Make sure at least two of them are long term or beyond high school.  Write your name on the card and wait to turn it in.
    a. Organization Checks this Friday: Notebooks!
    b. Hoping to have Of Mice and Men books in class - we just got a head start yesterday.
    c. Turn in "Where I'm From" FC and RD - collected during writing time today.

3. Theme Workshop

Handout: The Hopes and Dreams Unit intro.
        1) Review handout with emphasis on ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS.
        2) Answer Questions at end of handout - put handout in portfolio.
            *Collect "Where I'm From" FCs and RDs during writing time.
    b. Who is it? - Panels of students come to the front and we try to guess whose hopes/dreams belong to each student.
4. HW: none

Thursday 9/17
*Students who need to complete the MAP test go today - announced in class.


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: If you take responsibility for yourself you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.
    a. Organization Checks this Friday: Notebooks!
    b. Have Of Mice and Men books in class from now on.
    c. Turn in late "Where I'm From" FC and RD.

Of Mice and Men Workshop: Background
    a. Discuss today's journal - What does it say?  Is it true?

    b. Of Mice and Men Background handout

    c. Of Mice and Men & John Steinbeck Background Presentation

    d. A Brief Overview of The Great Depression

    e. Idiom Presentation (Idioms and Resource Site & Idiom List)
 If time: "To a Mouse"

    g. If time: play more "What's My Dream" game.
4. HW: none


Friday 9/18


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Do you think the world (this life, the universe, whatever you want to call it) is a "fair" place?  Explain.
    a. Organization Checks this Friday: Notebooks!
    b. Have Of Mice and Men books in class from now on.
    c. Turn in late "Where I'm From" FC and RD.

Reader's Workshop
    a. Review yesterday's concepts: Naturalism & Idioms
    b. Discuss journal: Is it fair?

    c. Allusion: "To a Mouse" - fairness, justice, plans/dreams (Fill in Background Handout)
        *In other words, what is the theme?

    d. SSR or class reading: Chapter 1 or 2 - we'll decide as a class.
4. HW: Read at least through the end of Chapter 2 by Monday.