Honors English 9  8/24 - 8/28

Monday 8/24

No School

Tuesday 8/25

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business:
    a. Welcome and get comfy - fill to front & center, but you choose your seat.
Receive Student Handbook & sign off; explain its use as a pass.
Emphasis Card: Plagiarism.
Turn in Summer Reading Study Guide - checked off with turn in.
Turn in Glue Sticks - checked off with turn in.
     f. Turn in
portfolio, dividers, and journal in bins - checked off with turn in; place in bin.
    g. If needed, schedule check.

Blue Team Workshop
What is the Blue Team?
    b. What do we do that makes us special?
        *Expectations *Shared grading & assignments  *IDUs
        *Parent contact  *Parent involvement  *Shared Conferences
        *Kick in the RIR  *Celebrations  *Exam - breakfasts & alternate schedule
        *Four teachers working together for you!
4. English Class Workshop
    a. Distribute Syllabus & Reading Explanation/Permission Slip
Assign: Both forms due signed by Friday.
Review Reading Explanation & Permission.
5. HW: Signed Syllabus & Reading Explanation/Permission Slip due by Friday.

Wednesday 8/26 (Computer LCD)

1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: none
2. Business:
    a. Seat choice process continues.
    b. Welcome any new students: Student Handbook, turn in Summer Reading, glue sticks, portfolio/journal, Syllabus, Reading Slip.
    c. Turn in portfolio materials, glue sticks, Summer Reading, Syllabus, Reading Slip as needed.
English Class Workshop
Review of syllabus highlighting thematic approach, materials, grading & late work, website use.
Intro to website - academic.

4. HW:
Signed Syllabus & Reading Explanation/Permission Slip due by Friday.

Thursday 8/27 (Computer LCD)


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: (Review Journal Expectations) What is a process?  What is a product?  What is the relationship between the two?  In school, do you think your are graded more by your process or by the products you produce?  Why do you think that?

2. Business:
    a. Seat choice process continues.
    b. Welcome any new students: Student Handbook, turn in Summer Reading, glue sticks, portfolio/journal, Syllabus, Reading Slip.
Turn in portfolio materials, glue sticks, Syllabus, Reading Slip as needed.

3. English Class/Student Workshop

    a. Review of academic uses of Maitespace - Words and Wit.
    b. Teacher personal intro using Maitespace.

4. HW: Signed Syllabus & Reading Explanation/Permission Slip due by Friday.


Friday 8/28  (Computer LCD)


1. Journal/Bell-Ringer: Define: Responsibility, Integrity, Respect
    a. Seat choice process continues - final Tuesday.
    b. Welcome any new students: glue sticks, portfolio/journal, Syllabus, Reading Slip.
Turn in portfolio materials, glue sticks, Syllabus, Reading Slip as needed.

3. English Class/Student Workshop
    a. Individual Index Cards

    b. Portfolio assembly
Writer's Workshop

    Intro to Writing Process  

5. HW: none