Grammar of the Day Quiz: lessons 23 - 31

The following paragraph contains some of the techniques from Grammar of the Day lessons 23-31.  For each error, write its name and its fix next to each number below the paragraph.  The error names are only worth 1 point while the fixes are worth 4 points each.  When done, rewrite the entire paragraph with your own improvements below the quiz answers.

1This spring break was definately out of control.  2&3Now, I don't want to infer that I was a maniac, but I am having a great time right here in Ohio.  4For one thing, I spent almost three days building a puzzle only to find out I had no idea were the last two pieces were.   5Then, I got crazy by sponsoring a round robin Go Fish tournament for my friends and they wouldn't leave for two days.  The rest of break I spent rearranging my straw wrapper collection.  Truly, it was an eventful break.

1. error:


2. error:


3. error:


4. error:


5. error:


Revised paragraph below: