No School: Memorial Day
1. Journal: Write a short
note to a friend, critical of something they are doing. Be conciliatory and fair but firm.
2. Writer Workshop
a. You now have three essays – Classification, Character Sketch, and Evaluation – in SRD
form. Select one, make final revisions,
and polish it. Due tomorrow – drop off with me if you aren’t
going to be in school that day.
b. Have
SRD of Evaluation Essay checked.
3. Seniors:
a. Have Portfolio Checked.
b. Take exam if needed.
c. Take book back to Media Center.
1. Journal: none
2. Turn in Selected Essay for Grading
3. Writer Workshop: The Pro-Con Essay
a. Juniors:
1) Read Chapter 12, pp. 173-189.
2) Do Activity 1, p. 178
b. Seniors:
1) Have Portfolio Checked.
2) Take exam if needed.
3) Take book back to Media Center.
1. Journal: none
2. Writer Workshop: The Pro-Con Essay
a. Juniors:
1) Discuss questions to Activity 1,
2) Choose a topic for your Pro-Con essay: You
are to choose a topic of local importance, one with limited or no research
involved. For example, open lunch or
dress code, etc.
3) Review pp. 180-181, Working with
Your Own Topic: Choosing a Topic
a) Make sure it’s debatable.
b) Can you win the argument? Remember: you have to present the opposing
side too.
4) Once you’ve selected a topic or two,
Make a Double List (pp. 181-182) before you start your draft.
b. Seniors:
1) Write your “Last Will and Testament”
to Hilliard Davidson High School.
Include memorable moments and, of course, everything you’d like to leave
to your friends and enemies. Up to 10
points EC!
2) Have Portfolio Checked – turn in last paper if late.
3) Take exam if needed.
4) Take book back to Media Center.
Last Day for Seniors
1. Journal: none
2. Writer Workshop: The Pro-Con Essay
a. Juniors:
1) Review Writing Strategy: Develop the
Antithesis as Well as the Thesis, p. 183
2) Write
RD today – definitely be done by Monday.
3) Junior
Portfolios are checked anytime next week.
b. Seniors
1) Have “Last Will and Testament”
checked if needed for EC.
2) Have Portfolio Checked – turn in last paper if late.
3) Take exam if needed.
4) Take book back to Media Center.